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Monday, 11 March 2019

Exodus 15 : 1-18

Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD, saying, “I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea.” – Exodus 15:1

One of the stunning victories won by God for His people is recorded here. None other than the victory on the Cross of Calvary can match the very tone of this victory. It is aptly celebrated by the immediate recipients of the victory. God guided the hand of Moses to commemorate the victory by penning down a beautiful Psalm. This was then echoed in the hearts and mouth of the Israelites ever after. Even today, people relate to this stunning victory and Apostle Paul related it to the Salvation through the cross of Calvary (1 Cor. 10:1-4)

God has led His people victoriously through the deep and brought them safely to the shore, causing their enemies to perish in the same water. For an average Israelite who crossed the Red Sea, this was nothing but a miracle of miracles, wrought by the mighty unseen hand of God. It had the taste of entering from death to life. None of them could ever forget it during their lifetime and would surely tell it to the coming generations. Similarly, was our victory won by our Lord Jesus on the cross. This is the very reason why Paul advocates in the Epistle of Philippians: “Rejoice!” Phil. 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, Rejoice!” He was unashamed in repeating the same chorus at least 16 times in the epistle. This was not because He was overstressing the point but instead like the Old Israelites this victory cannot be forgotten or kept secret because it is a matter of great joy looking at the eternal value of it. Dear reader, have you ever contemplated the victory Jesus has won for you on the cross? Or have you passed each day groaning about the little things of this life?

This victory had, in turn, paved the way for God to reside in midst of the people of Israel. Earlier we can see God visiting Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at various times (Theophany); but had not dwelt among them. Soon after the victory in the Red Sea, God asked them to construct the Tabernacle and God made His very dwelling in the midst of His people. This is a great thing. All the previous history of this peculiar people had one particular end, that God tabernacled among them. Hence this is a great victory and has to be commemorated. 

Similarly, Jesus Christ has defeated the enemy on the cross of Calvary and made them a public spectacle. Col.2:15: “Having stripped rulers and authorities, He made a show of them publicly, triumphing over them in it.” We are called to celebrate this victory through our very life on a daily basis because He tabernacles inside us. This victory was not temporal or only for a moment but it was eternal. Its effects are eternal and are irreversible by any power now or in the ages to come. Hence it is a cause for us to join the victory parade on a daily basis and enjoy every benefit of it and bring glory to His name.


Dear Father, many time I was been forgetful of the wonderful

victory on the Cross of Calvary. I am sorry about it;

help me to rejoice in it daily and lead a victorious Christian life.

In Jesus name.


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