Sunday, 20 January 2019
Psalms 119 : 65-80
“I know, LORD, that your laws are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me.” -Psalm 119:75[NIV]
Though the authorship of Psalm 119 is uncertain, it is certain that he was someone who loved God’s Word and knew the importance of studying, meditating and applying it in his life. The whole Psalm from verses 1-176 concentrates on the importance of abiding in God’s Word.
One can understand a person’s faith when he/she goes through trials—trials bring out the best or the worst in us. How did the Psalmist have such confidence in God and His Word in times of difficulty? It was because of this intense passion for God’s Word and his deep devotion for the Lord that he could trust Him during his affliction.
The Psalmist knew that only his Maker could give him insight to understand the laws given to him. So Ps 119:73 records a Prayer asking God to give him understanding to learn His command. If we do not receive this understanding from God, we are sure to crumble in times of difficulty. Joseph was faced with many a difficult situation before living in the promises God had given him. Yet he was able to assure his brothers in Genesis 45:5: “…it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you”, because He knew that God was working through his affliction for a greater glory. Romans 8: 28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ Joseph held on to God’s Word even when he could not see things clearly as Psalm 107 :18 says [paraphrased] ‘ he held on till what was foretold came to pass, till the Word of the Lord proved him true.’ Precious child of God, is your world right now in the darkness of doubt, discord and defeat? Hold on to the promises He has given you when you walked in the light, as you go through this present darkness. His Word over your life will be fulfilled in His Perfect Time!
The second Petition is to a God of Unfailing love. We read in Ps 119:76 the Psalmist requests for comfort. Here the Psalmist tells God that only His Promise over his life can bring him comfort. We read in Ps 119:82 and 84 the Psalmist cry: ‘When will you comfort me? How long must your servant wait?’ Has this been your cry this morning? Has it been a long wait for God’s promise to be fulfilled in your life? Has His delay in fulfilling His word over your life put you into deep sorrow and pain?
Abraham, the Father of Faith had to wait 25 long years before he experienced the comfort of a fulfilled promise in his life. What did he do during those days, months and years of waiting? Romans 4:20 records: “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”
Abraham knew that this God who had promised him is Faithful and His Word is dependable. Precious believer in Christ, has your wait been long and difficult? Let us like Abraham during this wait, ‘not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.’ Rather take this time to continue to “put our hope in His Word” [Ps 119:74] delight in His Law [ Ps 119:77] and meditate on His Precepts [Ps 119:78] till we see God’s promises fulfilled in our lives.
“When we lay hold of the texts of the Bible,
we’re arming our minds for battle.”
~ Dr. D. Jeremiah
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