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Wednesday, 29 August 2018

John 5 : 1-30

“Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you." (John 5:14)

John records the miracle of the man healed at the pool of Bethesda as a witness to Jesus’ deity. One of the proofs Jesus mentioned to John the Baptist of His messiahship was that the lame would walk (Matt.11:5), for the prophet Isaiah had predicted this long before: “the lame shall leap like a deer” (Isaiah 35:6).

We must understand that there were no medical aids and records like the modern day at that point of time for one to clearly understand the duration of the case, the long 38 years. Then how did the writer record his health condition so specifically?  The source of our life and records are known to the Spirit of the ALL Knowing God.  The scripture says, “… You understand my thought afar off  . . . For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, you know it altogether” (Ps. 139:2-4).

Jesus handled this case in its hopeless condition.  38 years is not a short period but long with its 13,870 days or 332,880 hours.  Helplessness turned into a hopeless situation, yet the man remained there in that condition without losing hope. The Holy Spirit must have given him a little spark of faith to hold on to!—a whispering in his inner mind that he would see a change in his deteriorating condition. A typical example of long suffering.

The man even didn’t know Jesus and His Power. The compassion in Jesus arose which was more powerful than the whirlwind of the consequences from the Jews, as it was happening on a Sabbath.  The Law was given as a tutor to bring every human to Christ so that he can experience a total deliverance in body, mind and spirit.  To Jesus, Sabbath was not a hindrance to the sick man in enjoying his healing and deliverance in its totality.

Jesus asked the sick man a simple question (John 5:6), “Do you want to be made well?” what the man said was not, “Yes”, but a narrative of his tragic situation. Jesus asked no more questions, but said, “Rise, take up your bed, and walk.” (John 5:8).  Remember, we should be specific to the question or answer to the point. 
Jesus did not do this miracle in the most favorable climate.  First of all, the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah; hence they were trying to trap him to the core.  Further, He did not do this miracle for popularity and acceptance, like our contemporary miracle workers.  He did not even reveal himself to the sick person.  He told him to ‘Take up your bed and walk.’  The sick man did exactly as Jesus commanded and both of them moved from the vicinity.  The Holy Spirit must have led the sick man to the temple.  Jesus met him in the temple and told him, “see, you have been made well, sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”  

In his writing, John’s aim is to reveal Jesus Christ for His 1) complete knowledge, 2) heartfelt compassion, and 3) sovereign power. Jesus did something deeper into the life of the sick man.  When He said, “sin no more …”, His aim in healing the sickness of the body was the healing of his soul—the focus being holiness mainly, not health. Hence His instruction to the man to stop sinning. It’s like He was saying: “I have healed you that you may be holy, that you may stop doing evil, and that you may not rise to face judgment, but to the resurrection of life. I have pointed you to Myself as the life-giver. Now, live in this power to holiness!”

Prayer:    Father, give me a heart to cling on to You in every situation from my lowliness, helpless and hopeless so that you will lead me to Your holiness and eternity.

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Good Shepherd Ministry International

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