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Psalm 91

Sunday, 23 January 2022

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” -Psalm 91:1

Psalm 91 is an old-time favorite for many of us just as Psalm 23! It is a Psalm which gives courage and hope to one under life threatening situations or sometimes when gripped by fear of the future or even when one feels lonely or being all alone with none to help. The overwhelming Presence of the Lord in overwhelming times gives a child of God great strength! That’s the message of Psalm 91!

The imagery of “shelter,” “shadow,” “fortress,” “His wings” describing the Lord in the Psalm suddenly bring to our mind of God’s awesome protection over those who take refuge in Him! These images impress upon us of a mighty, towering, powerful Person who takes into His care a helpless, weak, frightened you and me!!

Yet one needs to clearly understand that the Promises that are strewn throughout the Psalm are with conditions. Let us put it under two headings: “LIVE” and LOVE”:

  • Live (Dwell) in the Lord (Vs.1,9): We see the many benefits in dwelling in or making the Lord our dwelling place. God promises His protection, safety in the direst of circumstances and His deliverance from being prey to the snares set by the enemy. But we need to examine what it means to “dwell” in the secret place of the Most High! See what 1 John 4:15 says, “Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.” If God has to live in you, you have to make GOD your Dwelling Place! For a person to abide in God is possible only through the relationship he/she builds with Him through Jesus Christ! That’s God’s prescribed way! That’s the “secret place”- the place of security a person has in his life. When your life is hidden in God through Christ (Col.3:3), you enjoy all the benefits of His protection and providence in your life. In His Hiding Place, He will deliver, sustain, and quell the arrows of the enemy; cover you until the troubles pass by! What a hope!

  • Love the Lord (V.14): God says because you love Him, He will rescue; He will hear and answer; He will honour; He will show you His salvation! How does the Lord require us to love Him?- With all our heart, soul, strength and mind (Luke 10:27)- which means “with all of our being!” It’s the kind of love that is ever grateful to Him for His great grace and mercy in giving us life on this earth and eternal life through His Son; its acknowledging Him as the Source of all our blessing (James 1:17); its each of us saying to Him: “…You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” (Psalm 16:2). And then giving ourselves to Him in willing surrender to direct our lives pleasing to Him! Then His favour and honour will crown our lives!

The Psalmist was so confident of his relationship with the Lord and the Lord’s help in his trouble that he made several declarations inspired by the Holy Spirit at the end of the Psalm—that the Lord would be with him, rescue and protect him! Such confidence came from the one who had acknowledged the name of the Lord and put his utmost trust in Him.

Dear friend, have you discovered that “secret place” of the Most High God? Can you say He is your Hiding Place in whose shelter your life is secure? If you haven’t given Him first place in your life and your love, can you bow before Him acknowledging Him as the ONLY One who can save you when you cry out to Him in the day of trouble? He will answer you and will honour you!

Prayer: “LORD Almighty, may I dwell in You, my Hiding Place! May I find protection and providence in You! Amen.”



Good Shepherd Ministry International

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