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Acts 16:1-15

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

"Then he came to Derbe and Lystra. And behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed, but his father was Greek" -Acts 16:1

On his second missionary journey, it was to Paul's delight that he found Timothy. Luke specifically says, “behold, a certain disciple…” A True minister can always be traced to a true disciple. As we see in the pattern of Jesus also, there were many who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry but the few He chose and kept with Him, were His disciples. They were always with Him and witnessed all that He was doing. He kept them through his public preaching and private sessions. They were together in true bond of unbroken love. Jesus taught them in private and opened His innermost feelings to them. Later they were the Apostles, who carried on the Ministry from where Jesus left off.

Here also we see from Acts 14:6 that even in midst of persecutions, Paul preached the Gospel in Derbe and Lystra. His preaching brought in genuine converts, including Timothy and his mother and grandmother. (2Tim.1:5 " when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also"). True converts make true disciples and true disciples make true ministers of God. As soon as Paul identified the sincerity and traits of genuine faith in Timothy, he wanted him to accompany him in his missionary journey (Acts16:3). A disciple can be nurtured only with diligent and earnest following. Paul understanding this, asks him to follow him in his journeys.

There are great lessons learned by simply following. Knowing well the dangers on the journeys of Paul, Timothy was determined to follow him. This later made him become the true minister of the Word of God. Final days of the life of Paul in Roman prison were spent encouraging Timothy- the true disciple. Two epistles were written to nurture Timothy. Also Timothy was later assigned by Paul to stay back in Ephesus to make things straight when there were difficulties in that church. Paul very well knew that, Timothy was careful in following all that he saw in him. 2Tim. 3:10 " But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, ..." As a true disciple, Timothy had done his part in following all what he heard and witnessed in Paul. 2 Tim. 1:13 " Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus."

As a disciple, Timothy was a good model- he demonstrated through his life, what truly a disciple is. Paul had full confidence in him as he was on his final days of ministry. He knew he had labored and done well in investing richly into the life of Timothy, so that Timothy could carry on! Where Paul left, Timothy carried on. Where Jesus left, the Apostles carried on. Today, we need to intentionally make such disciples who can really carry on with the ministry God has given to us. In order to become a true disciple like Timothy, one needs to follow diligently and earnestly!


Dear Father in heaven, help me to

become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.




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