Ezra 7:1-28
Friday, 03 March 2023
Ezra had committed himself to studying the Revelation of GOD, to living it, and to teaching Israel to live its truths and ways. -Ezra 7:10 (MSG)
Ezra came with a mission of building his people spiritually after their return from exile. The very foundation for a missionary call can be found in the wonderful key verse. Kingdom of God advances when the Word of God is proclaimed and practised.
There are three very important actions:
1. Study the Word of God
2. Live the Word of God
3. Teach the Word of God.
Study the Word of God:
Every servant of God need to strictly set apart considerable time in studying the Word of God. Many people commonly make a mistake by trying to study the Word, like they study Science or Math's- that’s far from it. In order to really study His Word, we need to have an in-depth meditation and flow with the very Spirit of God who is behind these written words. So we need to prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to assist us. “…the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”(John 14:26)
As we humbly ask the Holy Spirit, He will graciously teach us and remind us in times of our need. He basically imparts Spiritual wisdom and understanding into our life. 1 Cor.2:10 says: “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” Our life will align to these truths as soon as we surrender to them. Only the Word we studied with the Lord, He will bring to our remembrance. A divine impartation of that particular truth into our very being is done by the Spirit of God.
Live the Word of God:
In order to live the Word of God, we need the life of God. That is why Jesus said: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)
So to simply put it; in order to live a godly life, we need the Word of God in us. It is the real source of Life in us. We need to eat this Word daily in our life in order to live a life that is pleasing to God. Not only eat it, we need to make it part of our life. This can happen when the Life flows through us from the word and equips us to do what God desires of us. Jesus said: I am the bread of life. (John 6:48)
Teach the Word of God:
Jesus’ in His Great Commission said:”…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; ..." (Matt. 28:20) Unless the Word of God is taught with the anointing of the Lord, it will never profit the hearer. In order for this to happen, the teacher of the Word of God needs to live it so that life through the word will flow from him. Word of God is not taught with human techniques but it is again an impartation of the Spirit. It is a Spirit to spirit communication. Deep calls unto deep ...(Psalm 42:7)
Teaching the Word is a Spiritual communication and hearer needs to be tuned to the Holy Spirit in order to receive the correct communication. These are not mere words but spiritual in essence. This kind of a teaching will produce great fruitfulness in the hearers.
So all the above actions are interconnected and it is very important. Or it is the very foundation for a missionary call.
Note: Every missionary needs to build his or her life according to these principles: Study, Live & Teach.
Listen: 'Wonderful words of life'