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Isaiah 44:1-28

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

“I, the LORD, made you, and I will not forget you.” – Isaiah 44:21[NLT]

What a powerful statement by our Creator GOD! It is a comforting word for many who are lost and lonely, sunk in the pit of desperation, thinking all is lost and no one cares! The LORD Almighty who is the First and the Last (V.6) knows the first breath you took and when you will breathe the last— He knows all about you! He is the One who says, “I WILL NOT FORGET YOU!”

In our reading, God has defined who He is— a few of note:

  • Redeemer (Vs.6,22)

  • The LORD of Hosts (V.6)

  • All-Knowing God (V.7)

  • The Rock (V.8)

  • The Creator (V.22)

He then goes on to portray the absurdity in trusting idols and idol worship— man-made, carved images which have no life –“They know nothing, they understand nothing;”(V.18). The senseless man does not realize that with the same block of wood from which he carves his idol, he makes his fire and roasts his meat! If only man would REALIZE his folly in bowing down to graven images!

In contrast, the Living God speaks to His people in such tender terms (Vs.21,22)- “I, the Lord, made you, and I will not forget you. I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.” Would a lifeless, idol speak such words? Man-made those idols!- but here God says, “I made you!” Could an idol forgive sins? Who could take away the guilt of the countless sins you and I committed that pricked our conscience? Who can set it free so we could live in peace? No one except He who paid the price of sin with His own life- Christ Jesus! Why? –So that you and I could receive a clean conscience when by faith we allow Him to cleanse us by His shed blood!

Friend, are you are feeling “all-lost”? Or is it the pain of rejection that you are trying to overcome? Or is it some sin in your life that’s weighing you down- you are unable to feel forgiven? There is hope for all today! There is no one like the Eternal God who formed you and will never forget you! God says in Isaiah 49:15, “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” He whose eye is on the sparrow, watches over you! “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God.” (Luke 12:6)

To the one who is dogged down by sin, the Redeemer tells you to give it to Him- “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18). Christ who paid for your sin with His own blood can cleanse and give you a clean chit if only you give yourself to Him willingly in true repentance! (1 John 1:9). He gives you another fresh chance to begin anew so that HE who made you for a purpose, can make something beautiful of your life!

Friend, are you willing to surrender your life to your Creator who says, “I, the LORD, made you, and I will not forget you.”? If you make that choice here is a prayer for you: “LORD Jesus, come into my life- cleanse me from my sin and give me a new purpose in You. Let Your love fill my heart that I my never feel forsaken again. In Jesus name, Amen!”

Rejoice: “…For God has said, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5[GNT]



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