Friday, 17 July 2020 John 17: 13-26
“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word…” -John 17:20
John 17 is a record of Jesus' High Priestly Prayer. Jesus always operated in the heavenly realm while on earth. In Hebrews 5:7-10 we read about how Jesus was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.
Jesus started His heavenly intercessory ministry while still on earth (John 17:13-26).
He prayed in the hearing of all the disciples that we are not of this world any more than He is. He understood that if we have to be victorious we would have to live by the laws of heaven and not by the laws set by the world. With this in mind He prayed for us for He knew that there would be great struggle between the spirit and the flesh. He prayed for our perseverance, our joy, protection from the evil one, sanctification, oneness with the Father and Son, perfect unity together, our presence with Him in eternity and our mutual love.
From the above we can get a glimpse of the areas that we can falter or will need help while we try to live as citizens of heaven.
He has put us on the path to victory by praying that we be kept by the power of His name and has also asked us to watch and pray so that we will not fall into temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).
Acts 2:30 says, “He would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne”. This means that Christ is now seated on the throne and reigning as King over the kingdom of God established on the earth since His ascension. So we, who are in Christ are now in the Kingdom of God and no more in the world because Ephesians 2:6 says that we are “raised up together, and made to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Since God has allowed us in the spirit to share in His resurrection, ascension and exaltation, believers should live like people raised to sit with Christ who has authority over all powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
In 1 Peter 2:9 we are called to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and a holy nation, God's own special people who will rule and reign with Christ. Revelation 5:10 says “And you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” The names used here suggest that there is no one like us on earth. Like an entirely new race that represents something completely unique and new. What differentiates us is not the physical features but the way that we live and what we do. Like Christ who is now interceding for us with the Father, we are called to intercede on behalf of others. As we are in Christ Jesus, there is no one to stand between us and the Father and between us and the evil one – but Christ alone.
The ultimate challenge of a believer is to ensure His life abiding in Christ, so that His divine calling of intercession will continue unhindered. As we humble under His Yoke, He will empower us with His authority with which we come against the principalities and powers that hold people in darkness.
Rev.1:6 says, He made us kings and priests –We receive the authority of a king as we display the purity of a priest and we continue the priestly duty of intercession!
Thought for the Day: “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees. A man never stands taller than when he is upon his knees.” ~William Cowper