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1 Chronicles 17:1-27

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

“ …. You are God and have promised this goodness to your servant.” -1 Chronicles 17:26

Our reading today helps us to focus on a God who does not deal with us according to our sin, but a God who is merciful—One who never goes back on His Word over our lives. We read about a God who is not expecting anything from us but wanting to do something for us. Isn’t it reassuring?

When God heard about David’s desire to build him a temple, He had a greater plan than his. Though God did not grant him his desire, still God responds to his sincere heart cry by promising to build his house: where his descendants would rule the nation forever (V. 10). Did God stop there? No! He went one step further and promised David that the coming Messiah would be of his family thereby establishing His kingdom forever (Vs.11 & 14).

Wasn’t that an awesome prophecy over someone’s life? Every Jew had been waiting for the Messiah since it was promised (Gen 3:15). How did David respond to God’s promises over his life?

  • With Humility (V.16): “Who am I Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought me thus far?” David immediately recognized his insignificance when he was blessed so richly. Today even as God uses us as instruments in His hands – have we ever taken credit for His work through our lives? Paul in 2 Cor. 4:7 reminds us that we are just jars of clay carrying the treasure that is of God and from God – nothing for us to boast about.

  • With Worship: When David realized his smallness, he acknowledged God’s greatness. In verse 20 we read “ Oh Lord there is none like You, nor is there any God beside You.” Worship is an integral part of a believer’s life. Worship always happens in the temple. Today as we the temples of the living God, He intends our lives to be an offering of worship. Though we must have set times of worship, it must be a habit of every believer to have a heart of worship, all the time— a heart that’s constantly acknowledging the greatness and glory of God; a heart where God is enthroned.

  • In Prayer: (V.25) David responds to God’s promises by praying so that he would see the fulfillment of scripture. He came before God with courage and confidence knowing that the God who promised is faithful to keep His word no matter how much he has failed Him. Today we who have been bought by the blood of Jesus, whose lives are made new in Him, have this assurance that our High Priest calls us to come boldly to His throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need (Heb. 4: 16).

God’s promises are for everyone who believes in His Name. He fulfilled His promise to David by sending His Son Jesus, the King whose kingdom will never end. Today, Jesus promises a new life in Him and an eternity with Him to all who call on His Name. Have you trusted this promise?

To those who have received this promise, let's never forget He is able to keep His word in your life— we only need to have a heart like David!

Quote for the day: “God is not a man, that He should lie,

Nor a son of man, that He should repent.

Has He said, and will He not do?

Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19)




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