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2 Samuel 12:1-25

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” - 2 Samuel 12:13

God’s justice and mercy are portrayed in the life of David through the encounter he had with Prophet Nathan. David committed sins which deserved capital punishment in those days- he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and got her husband killed. In our reading, we see Prophet Nathan confront and make David realize his sin.

So often when things go wrong in our lives, we fret and lose heart, not knowing what to do. But David gives us an example to follow. When his heart was so heavy with the weight of the sin and its guilt, and when the Lord struck the child, David turned to God. Rather than fretting, he turned to God!

How did David go through it all?

Confession and Repentance (vs.13–14)

David acknowledged his sin: “I have sinned against the LORD”- he was truly sorry and he knew that his actions had hurt many people. Because David repented of those sins, God mercifully forgave him. No sin is too great to be forgiven. But the consequences of David’s sin were irreversible. When God forgives us, and restores our relationship with Him, He doesn’t eliminate all the consequences of our wrongdoing. If anyone takes sin lightly, remember that we may set into motion events with irreversible consequences. It is best to recognize and repent of one’s sin rather than face the consequences!

Fasting, Prayer & Humility (v.16)

The deep feeling of sorrow and humility shown by David on this occasion is noteworthy. He lay upon “the ground,” all the night, fasted as the sign of repentance and disciplining himself. Through humility and prayer, he communed and heard God. His thinking that God would restore his child shows David’s hope and trust on God.

A Rise from the ground (v. 17, 20)

David approached his situation as a strong man of God. He draws on God’s strength for facing the coming storm. There is a time to humble before God and then there is a time to rise above the issues and face them and deal with them with the God-given strength. There is nothing that God allows in our lives which is beyond the strength He provides- for His grace is sufficient for us.

Change of his garments (v.20)

David washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. For David it is now the time to move above the situation and not dwell on the past. It points to us a complete transformation of our own lives. Rending of clothes was an expression of indignation and mourning. Change of clothes was expressing one’s transformation - passing from the old to the new. Its moving from a difficult situation to a place of newness and dependence on God without looking back.

Worship God (v. 20)

David went into the tabernacle and then in prayer submitted himself to the will of God. He acknowledged His justice in what he had done; gave thanks to God that he had brought him to a sense of his sin, and repentance and had applied His pardoning grace to him. Through it all we must praise God in all his doings who knows the best.

Refuse to go over the past (vs. 21 – 23)

David chose not to continue living in the past; he stopped going over his past failures but dwelt on his future victories. No wonder he was he called “a man after God’s own heart!” He returned to the forgiveness of God, opening the way to begin life anew. Even the name God gave Solomon (his second child) Jedidiah (“beloved of the Lord” Vs25) was a reminder of God’s grace.

How do you respond when you go through tough situations; or you are convicted of a sin against God? Take lessons from David. If you return to God, accept his forgiveness and change your ways, He will give you a fresh start- a fresh approach to life!

My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26



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