Lamentations 5:1-22
Thursday, 16 March 2023

“Restore us to You, O LORD, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.” -Lamentations 5:21
Lamentations is a book of poems attributed to Jeremiah, expressing deep agony over the destruction of Jerusalem. A graphic picture of the destruction by enemy nation is given in the book and at the end, the prophet is pinning his hope on GOD Almighty to restore them-to renew their days as of old.
Why had these people come to such a sorry state whereby the prophet says: “see our disgrace…”(V.1). They had broken covenant with God, disobeyed Him and even after repeated warnings from several of God’s prophets, they hadn’t heeded. Now their city was in ruins with the effects of war having come heavily on them.
The Bible in many places instructs God’s people to return to Him, to be restored and to be renewed! In Zechariah 1:3 God says “Return to Me, that I may return to you.” God is willing to restore, if we will return to Him. We go through a period of dryness, a desolate state, a kind of barrenness, when we move away from God. In Acts 3:19 –“Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…”
Restoration involves repentance and returning. As we get on with the daily chores of life, we often forget the fact that sometimes we slowly, but surely move away from God. In order to please our “religious self” we may continue to do certain spiritual functions, vainly thinking that we are still pleasing God!! 1Cor.10:5 warns us that God was not pleased with those people who were craving for those things that were not intended for their lives by God!
Yet in His great mercy, God wanted to remind His people that He did not forsake them and He was still interested in building them up and their nation – as a fulfillment of the promise given to their forefathers. However, in order to accomplish that promise God needs a people who would be faithful to Him. And God promises them that if they return to Him, He will also return to them.
Roman 8:31 says “…If God is for us, who is against us?” There are many who received promises from God and yet haven’t seen its accomplishment. There are yet many who know that God has called them into His service and know that He wants them to be His mouth, hands and feet. Yet they are struggling in their mundane lives wondering what their God-given purpose is! In Zech.1:17, the Lord says that He has a plan to prosper “His” cities. This was a promise of God to His people. The many promises of God that are yet unfulfilled in the lives of many is because God is not with them!! Here then is the call to return to God!
People of God who once enjoyed the fellowship of God, when they go away from God, He calls them back into a meaningful, prosperous and fruitful relationship! In John 15:3 Jesus warns us that if we do not abide in Him like a branch of vine in its trunk, then we become fruitless!
God’s message to them that have strayed from Him is to acknowledge His ways and get back on track. Let us take decision to return, as the Lord speaks to us. He is calling us also to return to Him, so that we will become fruitful! Let us ask Him to restore us.
Let us come to Him so that He can revive His promises over our lives!!
Prayer: “Revive me, O LORD, for Your name’s sake! For Your righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble.” (Psalm 143:1)