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Psalm 119:137-160

Sunday, 27 June 2021

“Your statutes are forever right; give me understanding that I may live.” -Psalm 119:144

Being the longest Psalm in the Bible, Psalm 119 teaches us the importance of God’s Word. The words- the law, statutes, decrees, testimonies, righteous judgments, commandments, precepts- used in the Psalm, are all synonymous with God’s Word. Many attributes of God’s Word is seen strewn all over the Psalm-righteous, life-giving, precious, true, trustworthy, eternal, etc.

Why should God’s Word become our priority? A few are listed from the Psalm itself and you can try to discover the many places they are mentioned in the Psalm

  • To walk in His way

  • To keep away from sin

  • To counsel and guide us

  • To comfort and strengthen

  • To preserve life

  • To gain understanding

The Psalmist’s personal relationship with God and His Word is very evident throughout the Psalm. He experienced God through the precepts and promises which both became his delight and his pursuit of life.

The key verse is more of an expression of prayer from the Psalmist and a few other similar ones in the Psalm are noted and arranged according to their priority:

“…give me understanding to learn Your commands” (V.73)

How important it is to learn God’s Word in order to make it part of our life! Ps.119:11 speaks of hiding God’s Word in our heart that we might not sin against Him. The prescriptions in God’s Word are for our well- being. It would do us good if we delight in them as the Psalmist did.

“Give me understanding , and I will keep Your law…”(V.34)

It’s not just enough to know the Word but to put it into practice. In his affliction, the Psalmist learnt to keep God’s laws and they strengthened him. He could answer the ones who taunted him because he kept God’s law. He put his hope in God’s Word and its promises. The understanding gained kept his eyes from worthless things (V.37).

“…give me understanding according to Your word.”(V.169)

The understanding and wisdom that God’s Word gives is far outstanding than the wisdom of the world. Ps119:130 says the “entrance” of God’s Word brings understanding- insight for life! The simple are taught to walk in God’s way as His Word is lamp and light!(V.105)

“…give me understanding that I may live.” (V.144)

A life under the blessing of God is the portion of one who delights and walks in the Law of the Lord! The Psalmist speaks of how God preserved his life with His Word. He has experienced God saving him when he trusted and kept His Word. God’s eternal Word, which stands firm reflects His faithfulness to all generation (Vs.89-90).

John 1:1 says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus Christ Himself is “the Word [that] became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:1, 14). When we accept Him into our lives and as His Word takes preeminence in our lives, we will learn to walk in His Way that we may not be lured into the ways of the world. Remember: “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”(1 John 1:17). Learn to make God’s Word a priority in your life.

Can we pray thus daily: LORD, “Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law.” (Psalm 119:18)



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