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Sunday, 12 May 2019

Psalms 40

“I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me and heard my cry.” -Psalm 40:1

Waiting patiently during afflictions means diligently expecting a favourable response.  The Psalmist brings to his remembrance how God had delivered him out of the miry clay and placed his feet on solid ground.  This causes him to have a new song of praise in his mouth to God.  Our deliverance from tough situations will bring forth praise from our lips and fear and awe into others leading them to trust in God.

This Psalm teaches us a few things we can do while we wait on the Lord patiently to deliver us from our trials:


  • We can remember His benefits with thanksgiving (Ps 40:4). His faithfulness towards those who trust in Him.

  • Ponder upon His wondrous thoughts towards us (Ps 40:5). Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

  • We can study the Scriptures to know more about Him (Ps 40:7)

  • Acknowledge His will for your life (Ps 40:8) Jesus came and did the will of His Father.

  • Witness to others about what God has done for all mankind (Ps 40:9-10). His salvation to all men.

  • Testify in the congregation His goodness towards us in the past. This is like a declaration of our deliverance. (Ps 40:10)

  • Affirm your confidence in the Lord. (Ps 40:11)

  • State the true condition of your misery. The true condition of your heart and mind (Ps 40:12).

  • Entreat Him for speedy deliverance (Ps 40:13).

  • Do not worry, if you feel like David felt towards his enemies. (Ps 40:14-15) Open it out before the Lord and ask Him to help you to pray for those who are persecuting you- that they will come to the knowledge of Him. Our prayers will be the key to their deliverance.

  • Give thanks to God for those who are on your side and for those who walk with God (Ps 40:16).

Waiting gives us a chance to cry out to God in helplessness. Many a time we become self-reliant. Trials like these remind us of our helplessness and will keep us humble before Him. “Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word” (Ps.119:67).  Grace is what we need to be able to live a godly life in this world and being humble guarantees the abundance of grace.

Many who do not know the Lord do not know that they are afflicted and needy; that they need deliverance from the coming judgment; that they need to seek and find the solution for their predicament. “Therefore, just as through one man[Adam] sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned… (Romans 5:12). This is the condition of all mankind for which deliverance is needed. The solution is: “But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.” (Rom.5:15).  It is this gift that the Psalmist, when moved by the Spirit, spoke about in Ps 40:8 regarding Jesus Christ.  The will of God was to place the punishment of the sins of the world on Jesus Christ through the affliction of the cross. He willingly submitted to this affliction and patiently bore the cross unto death so that whoever believes in Him will be set free from the affliction of sin, the wrath of God and impending judgement. Would you receive it for yourself?


To such as them who have been delivered from the pit of sin and set on the Rock,
Jesus Christ, He puts a new song in their mouths- of praises to God!            

-Psalm 40:2

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