Monday, 21 January 2019
Exodus 19 : 1-25
“Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine…” -Exodus 19:5 [ESV]
The longing to be loved and considered precious is one of the deep desires of every person. To satisfy this need one strives hard to please others or to prove oneself to the world, but very often ends up broken and rejected. Today the God of heaven and earth has something to say to us— the very thing we have been longing to hear. Amongst the billions of people on the earth, He is looking at each of us and telling us we are His own Precious Possession! How incredible is that! Can we even fathom the depths of His words?
When God chose the people of Israel to be His special possession, He spoke to them certain requirements which is a pointer to us as well today. What does God require of us to become His prized possession?
Conformity to the Word (Exo 19:5) - The first step that we need to take to become God’s unique people is to hear His voice and to obey Him. Jesus in John 10:4 states that He calls His sheep by name, they hear Him and follow Him. Hearing leads to believing; and believing results in obedience. So the question is, who are we listening to –The world or The Word?
Here are some qualities of the one who heeds the voice of God:
No friendship with the world- James 4:4
Will not love the world or anything in the world- 1 John 2:15
Will not partake of the unfruitful works of darkness- Ephesians 5:11
Imitates the holiness of God – 1 Peter 1:14
Mind set on things above – Colossians 3:2
Will live only for God – Galatians 2:14
If this is how we live our lives, the seal of God’s ownership is on us.
Covenant Keepers of Grace - God made a covenant with His people on Mt. Sinai by which they became a group that was distinctively different from the rest of the world due to their laws and regulations. Though at first the people all agreed to keep the covenant in one voice (Exo 19:8) it took them just forty days to break this covenant relationship when they made an idol for themselves. Since then man has desperately tried to keep the law but has failed; the sacrifice for sin through the blood of bulls and goats could not do away with sin! This helplessness of man could only be rectified by God sending His only Son to establish a New Covenant through His life. Those who put their faith in Him become partakers of this New Covenant.
Christ Jesus established a very special relationship with God Almighty for us through Him which makes us His unique possession because:
Our sins are forgiven through Jesus’ blood – Luke 22:10, Luke 22:20
We enjoy a personal relationship with God- Hebrews 8:10
We become God’s people – Hebrews 8:10
Aren’t we glad for what Christ Jesus has done to makes us special!
As God’s own, our lives need to show dedication and devotion to Him. Just as He asked the Israelites to come to Him with consecration (Exo 19:11), God longs to see a single-hearted devotion to Him from each of us. He loves us in this way; do we reciprocate this love in the same manner?
Quote for the Day:
“Why did the Lord set His love on you?
Not because of you, but simply because
He loves you.”
-John Piper
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