Psalm 17
Sunday, 22 September 2024

“Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. By your mighty power you rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies.” -Psalm 17:7 [NLT]
The psalm portrays David’s plea when he faced persecution, as he cries out for justice and to rescue him from all accusations and harassment. David opens his conversation with God by saying: “Hear a just cause, O LORD...” It’s a prayer with confidence. Wicked people were trying to oppress and persecute David for something that they thought he had done wrong. But when we look at David’s prayer, we can see his confidence in his innocence regarding the matter. He says that:
· V1 – his prayer is not from deceitful lips
· V3 – he wants God to test his heart, visit him at night; but can find nothing in him
· V3 – he is sure that his mouth has not transgressed
As David was surrounded by enemies many times we may also be engulfed by many problems—a back-stabbing collegue at work place, the family who is opposed to you because you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, or business rivals who plot against you or even false accusations or abuse— whatever it be, we come to a point where we feel torn apart and dejected. And then we just run to God for His comfort and divine protection.
In Vs. 7 & 8 we see David prays for a rescue operation and to keep him as the apple of God’s eye. We can be assured of the promise in Psalm 91:15: ”He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.” The confidence for a child of God is seen in Zechariah 2:8: “For he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.” We need to know our position in Christ and submit to Him in prayer. Then we can be confident as David was. David would not have been addressed as a man after God’s own heart, if he had not been a man of prayer and submission.
In our difficult times, where do we turn? Let us look into ourselves and our prayer life. Are we confident enough to say as David said that my lips and my mouth have not transgressed, they are pure? Are we ready to give our hearts to be tested by God? Unfortunately, many times when our prayers go unanswered, we blame God. But from now on, instead of blaming God, let us look within and understand our shortfalls and be willing to correct them. Only then we will be able to pray confidently as David prayed. Only then can we desire to be called as David was called— ‘a man after God’s own heart’ (Acts 13:22).
Though David begins this Psalm with a cry, it ends with the declaration of a great hope. He was confident of God’s help for him. God is working on the canvas of our personal life to make us more like Him if we are willing to cooperate with Him and allow the transformation to take place in us As a believer, when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to be molded like Christ, we can become more and more like Him. The fullness of this work can be seen only when we meet Him face to face and we will be completely satisfied in Him!
Thought for the Day: “As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake.” (Psalm 17:15 NASB)