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Psalm 6

Sunday, 19 February 2023

The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;

the LORD accepts my prayer.

– Psalm 6:9

Psalm 6 written by David is considered a confession psalm. Its the first of the penitential Psalms, where David acknowledges his mistakes and requests the Lord to forgive him. Once he pours himself out to God, He gains his confidence back in the Lord such that we see a note of hope at the end of the Psalm.

Let us see how David bares his heart before God:

· David’s realization of sin

V.1 David pleads with God not to deal with him in anger. The verse tells us how much God hates sin. When we sin God will correct us because we are His dear children. Hebrews 12:6 [NLT] says: For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.” Proverbs 3:11 reminds us: “My child, don’t reject the LORD’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. “ However, David requested the Lord not chasten him in anger or wrath but with justice because He knew the full anger of God would turn him into dust (Jeremiah 10:24).

Vs.2-3. Two things happened when David sinned. Physical weakness – “I am weak…bones are troubled.” Then second is Spiritual weakness – My soul is greatly troubled (as sin can cause separation between us and God). So David felt sick both in his body and soul. When sin besets a person, the mind becomes troubled and the body grows weak. He needs a double healing.

The remedy for sin – Fear the LORD and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:7). Genuine fear of the Lord’s dealing with sin should make the person forsake the sin and repent.

· David’s repentance of sin

V.4 – David says “Return, O LORD, deliver me!” If God was entreated to return that means, there was separation between him and God at that point in time. David may have been in a life-threatening situation and asks God to save him in His mercy.

Vs.6-7 – The words “sobbing, weeping, drenching with tears” show the intensity of his sorrow and anguish. David poured himself out to God- he knew what it is to have “a broken and contrite spirit” (Ps.51:17). Repentance brings deep sorrow for the sin. Like David, when we understand our sin, can we pour ourselves before God?

Once David repented, he was restored- because He is a God of compassion and unfailing love.

· David’s renewed confidence in God

Vs.8-10 – David’s renewed confidence in the Lord is seen in these verses. David now says, The LORD has heard the voice of my weeping, received my prayer, and heard my supplication. His confession and restoration led to a big release in his spirit that helped him gain enough confidence to say the Lord would answer his prayer; his enemies would turn back in shame.

Living in a fallen world, we are all prone to fall into sin, sickness, distress and even sometimes suffer at the hands of those who hate/despise us. But for a child of God, there is the hope in Christ who can forgive, cleanse our consciences and restore us into His relationship. If you confess your sin, He is faithful to forgive and cleanse you from al unrighteousness (1John 1:9). Your cry for His mercy will be heard and joy of fellowship restored!

Blessed is the one

whose transgressions are forgiven,

whose sins are covered.

Blessed is the one

whose sin the LORD does not count against them

and in whose spirit is no deceit. (Psalm 32:1-2)



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