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Sunday, 01 September 2024

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.  -Psalm 136:26

Psalm 136 is called the great Hallel which in Hebrew means “praise” and it was sung on different occasions to give praise to God.  The Psalm begins with Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.—the second half becoming a refrain throughout the Psalm. God is a good and loving, merciful God and deserves our praise at all times! The Psalmist gives focus to 3 aspects of God as the Creator, Deliverer and Provider!

God the Creator (Vs 4-9)

In the beginning God created the heavens, the earth, the lights, the waters, the skies and the living creatures. Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;” thus God created man. In all of creation, we see God’s handiwork, including man- the crown of His creation! In His creation, every detail meets perfection –being created with love. A God of love created us in His image and gave us authority over everything on earth, though fallen man has lost that privilege.  Does not the One who created us and gave us such privilege and authority deserve our awe and praise?

God the Deliverer (Vs 10-22)

The Lord delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians, sweeping away Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea. He guided them through the wilderness and after forty years, the Israelites were led to their promised land defeating mighty kings. Time and again, God proved to be their Deliverer!

In the same manner, believers today are led to their promised land after being set free and delivered from their sin and bondage through their faith in Christ. Remember what John 3:16 says- it is God’s love towards us that sent Christ Jesus for us so that whoever believes in Him will be delivered from their sins and granted eternity in heaven! He not just delivers us from our sins, but He is a present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

God the Provider (Vs 23-25)

After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel. They abandoned the Lord, who had brought them out of Egypt (Judges 2). God decided to chasten His people to bring them from their wicked ways and allowed other nations into the land to punish them. They were given into the hands of their enemies and every time they cried out, God delivered them again. For He is the God who remembers (v23), who frees (v24) and who feeds (v25). Our lives also is a reflection of this.  Even though we know we are delivered, yet we fail to keep up with God and tend to slide back and the times when we are in trouble we run back to God. He is merciful to forgive and delivers us again and provides us with what is needed.

When we take an effort to understand our Creator, Deliverer and Provider, we will begin to realise how He loves us! As we focus on God’s attributes discussed above, may our hearts be filled with the desire to thank Him and praise Him at all times!  Let’s pray and seek to understand His everlasting love for us and continually thank Him!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we pray we will be able to understand You and Your everlasting love for us deeper and that our hearts will desire to thank and praise you at all times. Amen.



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