1 Corinthians 4: 1-21
Tuesday, 30 August 2022

“For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power.” -1Cor. 4:20 [NLT]
What is the true nature of a person who lives in the kingdom of God? How does this actually work out in the life of a Christian?
In today’s world we see a lot of people going around with the false notion that they are true Christians, but hardly able to show any trace of true Christianity as shown in the Bible. It is a lot of talk and a name to adhere to. Many have accepted it as believing in certain biblical facts and then undergoing certain ceremonies like baptism. Let us examine the truth based on today’s reading.
A true Christian is expected to behave the same way as his or her Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. It is not a mere life of imitation, but a life lived out in the power of Holy Spirit. It is not mere bogus words but a true and sincere relationship lived out. Living faith is nothing but trusting God in such a way, that He lives in me and through me. In another way, it is He who works in me through His grace by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Only a truly surrendered life to Jesus Christ can exhibit such a life. Others fall short of exhibiting this glory in the real world.
So how is this lofty life possible ? How can we display this power ?
The answer is to understand the principle of Abiding: “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me.” (John 15:4). Please note the teaching of Jesus to us is how and from where this true Christian life flows— it flows from Jesus Himself! So in order to have this kind of a life, we need to abide in Him continually, just as a branch remains in the vine and produces the fruit. This abiding is further explained by Jesus as obeying His Words. “When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love, just as I obey My Father's commandments and remain in His love.” (John 15:10) This is a daily moment by moment choice that comes across our lives. It depends on our choice whether we consistently show forth these divine characteristics or our old self. We cannot have two natures together. We need to lose one for the other, because they are contrary to each other.
We see also that we need to die to this world moment by moment in order to live moment by moment in the kingdom of God, in His power. Otherwise we can talk a lot about it but we only live a polished life based on our own strength. This one of the controversies that we face regarding Christians in today’s world. Many aspects of Christian life are hidden in a person’s life unless until he comes to recognize and willfully surrender his life. God has chosen us and given a new life so as to produce fruit. “You didn't choose Me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using My name.” (John 15:16)
In other words we need to show Jesus through our very lives by abiding and living a life with the power of Holy Spirit and hence displaying the qualities of a true Christian.
Prayer: Dear Father, please help me to show forth Christ to this dying world by living in You. In Jesus name. Amen.