John 8: 31-51
Saturday, 19 October 2024

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8: 31-32
Jesus Christ speaks of the importance of abiding in His Word. A true disciple of Jesus Christ meditates on the Word of God and obeys the Word all the days of his/her life here on earth. Discipleship is a continuous process of denying oneself and allowing Christ to live and reign through our lives.
Discipleship is not simply a decision of belief at some point in time, but an ongoing process of following and obedience- obeying God and His Word. 2 Timothy 4:2-4 says, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season, correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because of their itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” The Word of God warns us about falling away from the truth. Let us pay heed to the word of God as these are times when many are falling away from following Christ and obeying the infallible Word of God because of their own fleshly desires. We are to read His Word carefully and obey the Word of God not only when it seems convenient and profitable but to obey the Word at all times.
A Disciple has to be trained and equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” We need the Word of God to feed our minds and our souls so that we may prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. The Word of God gives us the foundation on to which we are to build our lives. The life based on the Word of God is a life in abundance. The Word of God gives us freedom, freedom from bondage and sin that enslaves us. For freedom Christ has set us free; so we are called to stand firm and not submit to the yoke of slavery and bondage. Every true disciple of Christ chooses to live a life of liberty and victory thereby reflecting the glory of his Master in and through his life.
A true disciple of Christ is to strive to spiritual maturity by doing good things that are a result of being saved and living for God. Philippians 2:12 NLT exhorts us: “Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.” Understanding that the gospel is for all, he/she strives to fulfill his/her Master’s command, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20).
Becoming His disciples and leading others into being disciples of Christ is a life-long process. For Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” (John 14:6). To become His disciple, one has to accept Him and His Word. He has revealed His truth to us through His Word and one has to hold on to His teaching in it.
Think on: Knowing the truth is only possible through a personal relationship with the One who is the Truth – Jesus Christ.