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Isaiah 65:1-25

Thursday, 30 May 2024

“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.” - Isaiah 65:17

The Book of Isaiah is one of the most profound books in the Bible that not only focuses on the nature of the fallen nation of Israel in its first part, but has the most incredible prophesies of the coming Messiah in the second part. The book closes with the expected promise of a NEW WORLD what will be recreated for all those who are the children of God. What hope for each one of us reading this scripture in this current season!

Today’s Chapter we see God’s response to those who have turned to Him and to those who have turned away. To those who have turned away, we see a loving God pursuing them despite their indifference and disinterest for the things of God. He keeps calling out to them day after day hoping that they would understand that He is there for them anytime they repent and return. Yet, we see that they follow their own evil and wicked religious practices. (Vs.1-4)

Similarly in our day too, man creates his own ‘god’ and lives in total disobedience and disregard for the things of “GOD” How would God react to them? The Bible says that He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His Holiness can never be compromised and so He pays the wicked their due. If that is how He dealt with His own people Isarael, He is going to do the same for all who have turned their backs on Him today.

Yet in this Judgement, we see the righteous act of God. In V.8 we read that God decides not to wipe out the nation as a whole for the rebellion of a few and chooses to preserve the obedient. For 2 Chronicles 16: 9 says: “For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” And true to His Word, when He sees amongst all the wicked people, a group of “God-lovers”, “A Remnant”, loving and living for God (Vs.8&9), He chooses to preserve them (Vs. 9, 10 &13).  Throughout Scripture it’s amazing to see this recurring fact—be it Abraham, Noah or the 7000 that did not bow to Baal—we see a remnant set apart for God. And God builds Hs Kingdom through these few lives!

This is no different today as we await His Second Coming. He is not coming for the crowds; He is coming for those of us who do His will with a heart of love and obedience to Him!

So, is there any reward for the righteous who are striving to live godly in this depraved world?

Here’s what our Righteous God has prepared for the faithful remnant. He not only rewards them here on earth (Prov.11:31) but has also stored up great blessings for His people who will live and reign with Him in the millennium.

Here on earth God promises-

·         to feed us with His truth and His Spirit  (Vs 13&14)

·         to clothe us with joy and gladness (Vs.14& 15)

In the millennium – God will make all things new:

·         Beginning with a new heaven and new earth – a place of joy with no more groaning (V.17)

·         With no regrets of the past (V.17)

·         Where God delights over us (V.18)

·         An eternal life with God (V.19)

·         A perfect place with social justice (V.21)

·         An intimate relationship with God (V.24)

·         A life of peace with man and animals (V.25)

Isn’t this the perfect place that every man craves for right now? And to every believer in Jesus Christ, this is the inheritance God has promised us. So may we continue to live in godly fear as we await His coming that we may receive this blessing reserved for us!


Do Remember: “The fact that our heart yearns for something Earth can’t supply is proof that Heaven must be our home.” -C S Lewis

Listen: 'Hymn Of Heaven'



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