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Sunday, 15 November 2020


For as the heavens are high above the earth, so is His mercy toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:11-12).

This is one of the most beautiful Psalms and as Spurgeon commented “This psalm in a great style awakens all the melodies of heaven and earth in honor of the one only living and true God.” It is one of those all-comprehending Scriptures which is a Bible in itself that reveals God’s Glory, Grace and Salvation of mankind. Only those who have experienced the grace of God can fathom its depth. The word “grace” translated in the New Testament comes from “Charis” which means favor, blessings or kindness. In this Psalm, the grace of God is likened to the heavens which extends far and endless compared to the earth. GRACE is the favor of God towards us which we do not deserve in reality (Ephesians 2:8).

The LORD our God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy (Vs 8). Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve; while grace is God giving us something we do not deserve— His unmerited favor! Only one who is in much trouble can fully enjoy when the situation turns in his favor. The Psalmist who knew the repercussions of his sin and hence the agony of eternal separation from God, is rejoicing in singing these verses, after he came to know of the preciousness of the forgiveness of his sins by God.

As we see in Verse 12, God has removed our transgressions so far from us— as far as the east is from the west, because of the vastness of His grace and mercy (like the endless in magnitude of east from west). This can only be possible with God. This grace of God is visible from the time of Adam; when Adam and Eve sinned against Him, He chose to make a way for them to get right with Him. This pattern of His grace was continued throughout the Old Testament and we can see this grace in action through the blood sacrifices as a means of atonement. It was not the blood of the sacrifices that cleansed the sinners; it was the grace of God that forgave those who trusted Him! (Hebrews 10:4).

We know how remarkable is the mercy and understanding earthly fathers show their children; how great will be the mercy of our Heavenly Father, our Creator who understands everything compared to the very limited wisdom of earthly fathers! In His mercy God chose to cancel our sin-debt by sacrificing His perfect Son in our place (Titus 3:5) But he goes even further than mercy and extends grace to all people, even those who are sinners (Romans 5:10).

The Law was given through Moses and grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. He wants all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). He offers forgiveness, reconciliation, abundant life, the Holy Spirit to guide us, and a place in Heaven with Him— when we accept His offer and put our faith in His sacrifice. We have all sinned against God- because of our sins we deserve to be eternally separated from God. Because of His love for us, God took the human form and died on the cross of Calvary, taking the punishment that we deserve. God promises forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven to all who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior by grace through faith!

Prayer: Our Gracious God, Heavenly Father, lead us in to the salvation You have planned for us through Christ! May the Holy Spirit help us find and accept salvation under Your grace. Amen.

Listen: 'Amazing Grace'


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