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Mark 9:1-12

Monday, 30 January 2023

‘....“This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!” Mark 9:7

In this marvelous account of Jesus’s transfiguration before His trusted disciples, God in heaven was revealing His Son and declaring His plans concerning Him. In Vs.1 of our reading, Jesus made the statement that some of them who were standing with Him would “see” the Kingdom of God and six days later, with Jesus, Peter, James and John got a taste of the glory in heaven.

Often all believers yearn for such experiences – to see His glory and hear His voice! However, little do we understand that for such an experience we need to be His trusted disciple and be with Jesus alone, away from all our busy life schedules. Here Jesus took them away up on a high mountain. We know that it was possible for Jesus to reveal His glory even in the plains – but He was making it clear to all of us who would join His disciple list, that such an experience is reserved for only those who are willing to pay the price to be a disciple and are willing to go with Him to the mountain top.

We are always willing to accommodate Jesus along with our many programme – whereas Jesus demands an exclusive place for Him in our hearts. We are willing to walk with Him along with our other baggage, whereas Jesus requires our complete self, devoid of all those heavy baggage!! We are willing to accommodate Jesus at the place we are , whereas Jesus demands that we accompany Him where He takes us – May it be a wilderness or may it be a mountain top or may it be a deep valley – wherever He promised His presence will go with us. HE said Matt.28:20: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” The reference to the end of the age is definitely intended for those who would come to know even centuries after this incident written in our reading today!

So, if we are willing to pay the price to be a disciple and to be with Him alone and to go wherever He leads us, then what He promises is His presence, His glory and His word. Look at what happened soon in Vs.7: “ …a voice came out of the cloud..” If you would like to hear God speaking to you – then be with Jesus! If we are unwilling to spend time with Him how can He get our attention so that when He speaks we will be able to listen to His still small voice?

Mark 1:35 says, “In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.” If Jesus Himself found it so important to spend time with His Father in prayer and chose to get up early in the morning, how much more we should diligently follow the same principle! Also look at what is written in Ps.119:147: “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for your words.” Praying time is a waiting time to listen to God’s voice! Soon after this incident from Vs.12 Jesus explains to them about His death – we will be privileged to know God’s future plans if we are willing to spend time with Jesus.

The only instruction that came from heaven (Vs.7) is an acknowledgement of Jesus’s Sonship and a call to listen to Him – of course listening to Jesus implies, obedience to His words! May our days begin with spending time with Jesus alone and listening to His voice. Thus, may each of lives be filled with His presence!

QUOTE for the Day: “It is impossible for a believer, no matter what his experience, to keep right with God if he will not take the trouble to spend time with God. Spend plenty of time with him; let other things go, but don't neglect Him.”– J. Oswald Sanders



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