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Mark 5: 21-42

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”-Mark 5:36

There is no difficult situation that can’t be solved if brought with faith to our Lord Jesus Christ. Our reading today describes the healing of a sick woman who was suffering from haemorrhage for many years and the raising back to life of the daughter of Jairus, a synagogue ruler. Faith is the one outstanding element that is seen in both the miracles.

There are striking similarities in the characteristic qualities in both these people, which will be the focus of our meditation:

Perseverance to reach Christ

When Jesus reached the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around making it difficult for other people to reach out to him. But this never stopped the sick lady and Jairus, for they pushed through the crowd and made their way to Jesus. They were determined to get the one who could help them in their need. In our daily busy schedules, we fail to find time for Jesus and don’t prioritize our time with Him. Remember, God expects you to seek Him first, so that He may provide you with everything you need (Mathew 6:33).

Respect and fear

Jairus was a synagogue ruler who had close ties with the Pharisees who were against Jesus. Yet he approached, fell at the feet of Jesus and pleaded earnestly to save his daughter. Verse 33 goes on to tell us that the sick woman too fell on the feet of Jesus trembling with fear. When many amongst us fail to show respect and fear for God, these two people proved otherwise. “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” (Psalm 34:7)


There were many people in that crowd trying to touch Jesus but how many received the healing? This sick woman believed that if she just got to touch the cloak of Jesus she would be healed! And it is this faith in Jesus that healed her! In Verse 34 Jesus says to this woman “...your faith has healed you.” Jairus’ daughter was declared dead and the one thing that Jesus said to him was “Don’t be afraid, just believe! Faith in Jesus was demonstrated by Jairus as his daughter was raised back to life. For everything is possible for one who believes (Mark 9:23).

Faith in God is crucial for anyone who prays and hopes for victory over difficult situations in life. Do not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (James 1:6). In those situations that you feel defeated, stand still for the battle is not yours, but God’s! (2 Chronicles 20:15)

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ has the power over everything! If you are going through a time of trouble, situations you think is without hope—know that He is a God of compassion and wants to see you victorious! So just humble down, run to Him and stand strong in faith without fear that you may see His glory shine upon you. Put your faith in Him and see Him work!

Act on it:And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Listen: ‘GOD is bigger!


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