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Ezekiel 37:1-14

Thursday 13 October 2022

Again, He said to me, “Prophesy over these bones and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.’ Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life.’ ” – Ezekiel 37:4,5

God is all about life and living! God declared in Ezekiel 18:32 that He has no pleasure in the death of anyone. Jesus declared that He is the resurrection and life! So God’s longing always for I his people has been that they live a righteous life and live longer on the earth to be His testimonies. However, as He declared to Moses in Exodus 34:6 & 7, He is a compassionate and loving God; at the same time, He is righteous: “He will by no means leave the guilty go unpunished.”

Hence, when His people disobeyed Him He had to deal with them! In the Promised Land over the years gradually and systemically, the people of God deserted Him and sinned against Him – they forgot God who brought them out from slavery and allowed then to possess the land flowing with milk and honey! God’s righteous judgement towards this treacherous act of the people was destruction and utter desolation of the land. Enemy kings invaded the land and plundered them and made them slaves again. Even in the middle of this utter hopelessness, God declares His plan of restoration! In Ez.36:9-11, God says “For, behold I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown.

God unfolds His plan of restoration through a vision to Ezekiel. The “dry bones” is a picture of the current status of His people, speaking of death, hopelessness, indignity and indecency. To leave bodies unburied until the bones were exposed was unthinkable. [NKJV Study Bible] Those bones represent the whole house of Israel. The “dryness” of the bones speaks of their spiritual death. They are spiritually dead with no apparent hope of being “resurrected” as the people of the living God. Yet God said He was going to do the miraculous!

Vs.11 states “…behold they say, our bones are dried up and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.” But the loving God declares in Vs.12 Thus says the Lord GOD, Behold I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.Then He says He will put His Spirit within them that they may live!! Hallelujah!!

This is hope! There is no God like our God who loves His creation so much that He does not want them to perish. Even though the whole world has turned their face against God, still He loved the world so dearly that He willingly did the most painful act of sacrificing His own Son as a ransom for the sins of the people in the world! John 3:16 reminds us that. However, John3:17 says “For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”

You may see your life as something desolate! You may be living in utter hopelessness. God has a plan for you! He needs your life! Do not think it is a waste; don’t think God has abandoned you! In Ez.37:11-14 God declares that He would open the graves and CAUSE them to come up out of those graves!! Grave is a symbol of utter impossibility. The grave tells that the body inside can never be normal again! It says life cannot come to that body!

Nevertheless, the scripture says that the Holy Spirit can do a miraculous work in each of us! In Ez.36:27 God declares “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes.” According to Titus 3:5, this Spirit of God can do a process of “regeneration and renewal in you.”

The message to you is: God is interested in you – He wants to put His Spirit in you and CASUE you to walk!! Whoever outs their faith in Jesus Christ by acknowledging Him as their Lord and Saviour will receive the Holy Spirit (John 8:39)

Will you put your trust in Jesus?



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