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Isaiah 57:1-21           

Friday, 12 January 2024

“I dwell in the high and holy place,

 With him who has a contrite and humble spirit,

To revive the spirit of the humble

And to revive the heart of the contrite ones” -Isaiah 57:15


Throughout the history of the nation of Isarael we read how the people often turned their backs on God for the idols of the world. Spiritual adultery was rampant. According to historians this chapter showed the depraved condition of the land during the reign of King Manasseh (Vs.1-12) where the nation engaged in every form of evil and the godly seem to disappear within this corrupt society (V.1). This lifestyle of the people would soon result in their captivity and exile from their homeland. Are you in such a place?

Yet God never gave up on them and sent His prophets to confront them of their sin with the hope of wooing them back to Himself, trying to save them from the impending disaster (V.13)–He does the same even today.

There is still hope for a backslider!! One step toward God is the start to spiritual healing and wholeness! -A Fresh new beginning with Almighty God. Revival!

What does God do for those who return to Him?

Opens our eyes to who He is –V.15 Our love for God is directly proportionate to our understanding of who He is. So the first thing that God does when we return to Him is to give us a fresh vision of Him expecting us to respond to such an awesome God. Here God reveals Himself as:

  • High and Lofty one – shows His greatness & majesty

  • inhabits eternity – He is an everlasting God

  • His name is Holy – reveals His purity

Let us make Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:18 a daily one– that God the Father will give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

Values a Humble Heart – V.15 In spite of His greatness, the eyes of the Lord are on those who have a contrite spirit (Isaiah 66:2). He not only looks on us but dwells with his people who have a humble spirit thereby having an intimate relationship with God. This brings in revival in our hearts as we walk in deep fellowship with God. There is only one way to this – through JESUS.  So, don’t let pride keep you from God.

His Everlasting love V.16 – Psalm 103:8&9 [MSG] tells us that the LORD is gracious, merciful, not easily angered and rich in love. He does not nag or scold nor hold grudges. He does not treat us as our sins deserve or pay us back fully for our wrongs! How is this possible? Jesus paid it all for us. The wrath of God fell on Him instead of us, so we now receive the love of God if we turn to Him. What’s keeping you from Him?


His Restoring Power V.18 – Though God disciplines His children, He is able to restore when we return to Him. As Hosea 6:1&2 says “Come let us return to the LORD, he has torn us to pieces now he will heal us, He has injured us now He will bandage us. In a short time he will restore us so that we may live in His presence.”  Today all this is possible only because of our Saviour Jesus Christ who opened a way for us into the Father’s abundant mercy and blessing. Hallelujah!

His Peace – As Ephesians 2:17 says “The good news of peace was preached to both the Jews and Gentiles.” This peace is not an absence of trouble, but a wonderful privilege of enjoying His wellbeing. As Isaiah 53:5 says “For our peace He was punished.” This peace that we have with God, cost Him His Son. It was a costly sacrifice! Have you received it? 

God’s arms are wide open inviting every wayward child back into His arms. He has much to give you. Don’t trade Him for things that perish.

Return to be Revived!

Quote for the Day: "A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God." - Charles Finney

Listen: 'Revive us'



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