1 Samuel 3:1-21
Wednesday, 22 May 2024

“……Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening…..” -1Samuel 3:9
God had been speaking continually to His people through Moses and Joshua.
But during the reign of Judges this intervention became rare and at Eli’s time no exhortation or any message from God was given to Israelites by the priests or prophets. It was at such a time that God’s call came to the boy Samuel in the house of the Lord.
The lack of hearing any word from God was because of the degeneration that came in through the attitudes of the people of Israel and it is very much evident in the sons of Eli (V.13). What prevented the Lord from speaking to Eli? Eli had not heeded the Word of the Lord when it was told him and even when he knew his sons were in the wrong way, he did not correct them (V.13). Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.” The relationship between himself and the Lord was broken by sin.
It was to the small boy Samuel the Lord chose to speak as he was an obedient child growing up in His presence. 1 Samuel 2: 26 says: “And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men.” Hearing from God and responding to His voice are very much vital in our relationship with the Almighty. He speaks to us in various ways- through His servants, His Word or even different circumstances in our lives. Are we keen to listen or do we put it aside? Once we hear, we should be all the more ready to act upon what is heard; or else the consequences may be quite hard for us to bear. “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice …” (1 Samuel 15:22).
1 Samuel 3:3 points to us that the lamp in the tabernacle has to burn throughout. In Exodus 27: 20, God had given instruction to Israel to keep the lamp burning from evening till morning. As believers today, we are called to be the lamps that will burn for Christ and give light to this world. Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount said we are like a lamp on a lampstand that gives light to everyone in the house (Matt.5:15). Apostle Paul reveals in 2 Corinthians 3:2 that you are an epistle of Christ. We are called to reflect Christ through our life. Does the world see Christ’s light shining through us?
As the lamp needs oil to burn, we also need the presence of the Holy Spirit to carry out our mission here. God blesses people with HIS SPIRIT not based on their age but based on their faith and obedience to Him. Eli was much older, experienced and held a high position, but God’s voice went to Samuel who was a small boy with out any position in the temple.
We should expect God to work at any place any time and through any one He chooses. He calls people from all nations, backgrounds and varied ages to His vineyard. When the call of God comes, we should be willing to say as Samuel said, “Here I am!” The Lord needs you and me to carry on His mission!
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, help me to be sensitive to Your voice and to heed to it when You speak to me. Amen
Listen: 'Here I am O Lord'