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1 Kings 19:9-21

Thursday, 23 February 2023

“…behold the word of the LORD came to him …” -1 Kings 19: 9

After a dramatic and powerful God-moment that was experienced by the Prophet Elijah in Chapter 18, we see a defeated, disappointed, and discouraged Elijah on the run in Chapter 19. What happened for this quick transition? The threat that was sent out by Jezebel the queen got Elijah to run for his life. This shows how frail man is. One moment on the mountain top and the next, deep in the valley. How often each of us resort to this behavior in the face of trouble!

Will this be his end? Where is God in all this? Did God sort out Elijah’s deep trauma?

Yes! God himself took the initiative to bring about the healing process. It began by providing Elijah with rest and food.

The next important step God did was to bring Elijah into HIS Presence- the mountain of God (vs 8). Whenever we face a difficulty of any sort in life the first thing that happens is for us to lose our perspective of God. The problem or the person against us becomes bigger than God. That was what happened to Elijah. Jezebel’s threat became bigger than the God of Carmel. Did God condemn him? No!—rather, drew him into His Presence. The next time we face a challenge, run into the presence of God and not away.

Now that God had got Elijah in His presence, what were the things that happened there?

When God draws us into His Presence His intention is to REVEAL Himself to us so as to correct our blurred vision, because only a fresh vison can remind us of the God whom we serve. That was what Elijah encountered. Until then Elijah had seen a God of great power and might who got the birds to bring him food, oil and flour that never ran dry in a famine and fire that fell from heaven to consume a sacrifice. Now as he stood at the entrance of the cave, he saw all of God’s power displayed but that was not how he needed to see God in his brokenness. So, God SPOKE! -In a gentle whisper! (V.12) This just shows His tenderness in dealing with fragile men.

God still operates in the same manner. As the Psalmist says in Psalm 103:9&10 He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.

In this gentleness the first thing God does is to CONFRONT Elijah! (V.13) God always speaks in the quietness of a humble heart the same question posed to Elijah. What are you doing here? Can you hear Him today? Are you in the right place with the right people doing the right thing? God asks this question not once but twice ! How long has God been questioning your actions ? He is waiting for an honest response. Elijah evaded it. God knew that Elijah had turned away from the purpose he was created for, yet in his mercy God REINSTATES him. (V.15)

God is always in the business of restoration. He never gives up on us too. He hasn’t finished with us as yet!

As He continues that good work in us He CORRECTS our wrong assumptions (V.18). Very often in our discouragement we fail to understand that there are others who are remaining faithful to the task entrusted to them. Elijah fell into this trap! Don’t feel sorry for yourself as self-pity will dilute the good you do.

If you are in a burnt-out situation like Elijah, what are you to do?

RISE UP & RETURN to God. He has something new to do in you and through you.

Quote for the Day: No matter what storm you face, you need to know that God loves you. He has not abandoned you.” – Franklin Graham


Good Shepherd Ministry International

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