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Isaiah 40:12-31  

Saturday, 14 December 2024

“To whom then will you liken Me that I would be his equal?” says the Holy One – Isaiah 40: 25

In the world we see many in the pursuit of fulfilling their thirst for happiness and their quest to find meaning for their lives. Searching the meaning of life outside of God is futile, because He is the source of existence for everything

God introduced Himself in Exodus 3:14 as “I AM WHO I AM”. The One who spoke to Moses declared Himself to be the Eternal One – uncaused and independent. Only the Creator of all things can call Himself the “I AM” in the absolute sense; all other creatures are indebted to Him for their existence. [NKJV Study Bible]. He is the Creator God who was in the past and who is in the present and who will be in the future.  He is uncaused and His existence does not need support of/ explanation by any other agency outside of God Himself. We are created by this God in the image and likeness of Him.  

In today’s reading, God is graphically portraying Himself – He is speaking to the people of Israel Who He is, so that the message that He started to speak through the Prophet Isaiah in the beginning of the Chapter 40 will be endorsed. Isaiah 40:1 says “Comfort, O comfort My people” and then follows the comforting words of God- it is the message of Hope.

Immediately after the above, from verse 12 till 31, the majesty of God is explained– plainly stating that He who promised to comfort is capable of doing it. Understanding God is very much needed to accept His promises. The Bible has numerous promises that speak to every situation of our daily lives. However, we will be able to appropriate them in our lives only if we understand who gave them. All the attributes of God explained in the above text is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

He is the Creator God (Is.40:12): The reference to measurements given in this verse, tells us that with precision, He created everything. Again in verse25 & 26 God expounds that all the stars in the sky, even though look as countless, God had created them individually and placed in their exact position. They display His might and power.

In Jeremiah 10:11 & 12, a comparison is given, God created everything, but those who claim to be gods in the world, did not create anything!! The deity of God is revealed through His creation! John1:3 speaks of Christ thus:All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” 

He is the Wise God (Is.40:13,14) - His wisdom is unparalleled; therefore when He speaks, He speaks wisely and to heed to His words is the wise counsel. Christ is the wisdom of God: 1 Cor.1:30 says, “… you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God” Colossians 2: 2 & 3 – “… resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

He is the All Powerful God (Is.40:21-23): His authority is supreme and He controls the affairs of the world. In Christ is all authority and power: In Matt.28:18, Jesus said “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” 

This God tells us that He will give us strength. The Creator, wise and all powerful God says He will strengthen you! Will you receive it as a word for you?

He gives power to the weak/And to those who have no might He increases strength. /But those who wait on the Lord/Shall renew their strength;/They shall mount up with wings like eagles,/They shall run and not be weary,/They shall walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40: 29,31

Listen: 'O my soul'



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