2Timothy 1:1-18
Tuesday, 05 September 2023
“...and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” -2 Timothy 1:12
We are all investing our lives in something- for some it is investing for living a decent life with a good career, while for others it is for a solid family with building their marriage and raising their children in the Lord. Regardless of our age, it would do us good if we think carefully on how to invest wisely into the few years that the Lord gives us. Ultimately the productivity of our lives can be assessed by how well we spent our life and if it would count in eternity. Jesus once asked a relevant question: “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?”(Mark 8:36)
Many of us are very careful when investing money—we are sceptical about trading with an unknown person or enterprise that promises a profit. We don’t want it to go waste or not bring us any dividends. But we give little thought to investing our lives with God—how our lives need to be given purposefully for His plan to be profitably worked out. Jesus refers to this kind of attitude as “storing up treasure for yourself, but not being rich toward God” (Luke 12:21).
Apostle Paul gives us a guaranteed plan for investing with God which will be a successful investment. Now Paul had every reason to be anxious and uncertain about his life, being a destitute in a prison in Rome, awaiting execution from the evil dictator, Nero. He was no world renowned speaker or author who had a success rate to his name. Here was a lonely old man, chained to a Roman guard, with many reasons for disappointment but exhibiting confidence and assurance in God, exhorting Timothy to follow his example.
This man has something to tell us about investing our lives successfully: How safe, secure and successful it is to invest your life with Jesus Christ! The Greek word for “deposit” meant leaving your valuables in the care of a trusted friend to guard while away. So a vital question is: “How do I deposit my life with Christ?”
Trust is at the heart of the banking industry. Think of what Paul says: “I know whom I have believed…”As our knowledge of Christ grows, our trust in Him grows. In the same way, when taking God’s Word as an assurance it is by believing that Christ will do what He promised, namely, to give eternal life.
Christ has never failed any investor who has entrusted his soul to Him. Here is His promise in John 10:27-28: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”
Paul says, “He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.” (2 Tim.1:12). He is referring to the ‘day of judgment’ when everything will be brought into account before God. Though this godly apostle was in a dungeon awaiting execution by an ungodly ruler, he was confident that Jesus Christ is able to preserve his life which he has entrusted to Him until eternity!
That day is coming; eternity will show the return on wise investment. Therefore, commit everything that you are and have, to Christ, convinced that He is able to guard your deposit until that day as Paul did.
Having deposited your life with Christ, He has entrusted you with the precious treasure of the gospel. Thus invest your life successfully in Him!
Thought for the Day: “The world has yet to see what God can do through a man who is fully committed to him.” – Mother Teresa