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Hebrews 11:23-40

Monday, 19 August 2022

It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king's anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible. -Hebrews 11:27

Hebrews chapter 11, often referred to as the Hall of Faith, we see a group of extraordinary people who followed an extraordinary God. They became legendary people because they simply activated their faith in God into their practical lives which made them heroes of faith, serving an extraordinary God. Every pulse in them resonated with love and devotion to a God who was interested in their lives. What a great faith! To understand it, deeper let’s look to Moses -a legendary leader.


(Heb 11:23) It was by faith that Moses' parents.. .. God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king's command.

He was birthed into a slave family who were supposed to throw away the male child to River Nile. But when God gave them an offspring, they looked at him with the eyes of faith and saw God's great plan for his life. So they hid him in a papyrus basket and let him into the Nile River. But God honored their simple faith and took care of the child in a miraculous way. As parents we need to understand that every child has a great potential for God in him. Only when we open our eyes of faith we see the great future lying ahead of them.


(Exo 2:10) Later, when the boy was older, his mother brought him back to Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her own son. … "I lifted him out of the water."

Even though, God gave Moses to the hands of Pharaoh’s daughter to take care of him until his manhood; he carried the deeper convictions of his own origin. Early years of our upbringing has a lot to say in our future. We can understand that Yochebed during her period of nursing the baby had done her best to put in everything she could about the wonderful plan of God into the very life of Moses. He carried it to fulfillment through his life. What a great influence the very faith of the slave parents had on the life of their offspring!

(Heb 11:24-27)The first thing Moses did by faith was to detach himself from the world with and chose to be with the people of God. It was a voluntary choice. A choice that cost him everything in life. Not only did he distance himself from the palace; but also he chose to suffer with God's people. This is one of the great steps each one of us needs to take in order to carry out the great works for God. Unless we are out of the lure of this world, God cannot entrust us with His great treasures.


When God found Moses was faithful and has humbled himself to such an extent that there was no trace of the world in him, God exalted him to the highest place even over Pharaoh. His meteoric rise in the history of Israel and the then world around him, was not the work of a day, but a work of a lifetime. He was steadfast in pursuing God and God used him mightily. God strengthened him in his weakness and he was able to lead God's people out of Egypt without fighting a war. He was not afraid of the anger of Pharaoh, because he saw his God always on his side.

Thought for the Day: I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. (Psalm 16:8)



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