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Luke 18: 31-43

Saturday, 27 February 2021

“And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you.” Luke 18:42[NLT]

Today's reading starts with Jesus speaking about his coming death and resurrection but his disciples did not understand it - Luke 18:34. This was the third time on His way to Jerusalem, He had spoken about the things that He would have to go through, but most were too blind to see what was going on, or understand His sayings- even the disciples.

In the key verse, Jesus points to Jesus restoring the sight of the blind man and declares that his faith has healed him. Why did Jesus declare that his faith had healed him?

As we read further we see someone finally grasping the important aspect of who Jesus is and what He is capable of doing. It is ironic that the man who could “see” what almost no one else could, was physically blind. He could see what the sighted could not. For this man cries out twice “Son of David!” This cry got the undivided attention of Jesus. Jesus stood still and commanded him to be brought to Him (V. 40).

“Son of David” more than referring to physical genealogy, it is a Messianic title. When people in Jesus’ day referred to Him as the Son of David, they meant that He was the long-awaited Deliverer, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. In the Bible we see Jesus was addressed as “Lord, thou son of David” several times by people who, by faith, were seeking mercy or healing. The woman whose daughter was tormented by a demon (Matt. 15:22) and the two blind men by the roadside (Matt. 20:30) all cried out to the Son of David for help. This title of honor they gave Him declared their faith that He was the Messiah. Calling Him “Lord” expressed their submission and faith and also His dominion and power.

The blind man called out to Jesus, “Son of David” which means he may have been someone who knew the Scriptures. Perhaps he heard from his own family or at the temple where he might have gone to worship or seek alms— though the Bible does not say. But he knew Jesus and believed that Jesus was the Messiah, his deliverer. This brings to mind Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” The day a Scripture that you have heard or read comes alive in you through your act of faith you will know the truth and this truth will set you free (John 8:32) like it did the blind man. For example, you know the truth that you should forgive those who hurt you, but you will never know the truth about forgiveness until you experience the truth of absolute freedom that forgiving brings.

“To know the truth” means to be personally and passionately involved with the Lord in an intimate Master-disciple relationship. John 8:31,32: ‘Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”’ The blind man understood this is required of him; hence when his sight was restored, he followed Jesus.

Having a lot of Scripture inside us is good, but we can still be bound by the sorrows of our soul. But an intimate, obedient and disciplined relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ is the “key” that truly sets us free. Christ Himself is the truth (John 14:6).

Prayer: “ Heavenly Father, I pray for Your grace to lead a life of learning and obedience and to abound in Your liberating truth to be set free to be more like Your Son to bring glory and honor to Your Name. Amen.”



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