2 Kings 4:8-37
Monday, 10 June 2024
‘And the mother of the child said, “As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.”…’ -2Kings 4:30
It’s interesting to see how God introduces the many characters in the Bible in various ways. Today we are introduced to a woman who is just mentioned as ‘a notable woman from Shunem’ with absolutely no other background (V8). But that’s not all of her—God uses this life to teach us some very valuable lessons even to this day.
Served without expectations: When the Shunamite realized that Prophet Elisha was a frequent visitor, she opened her house so that he would be refreshed (V.8). With time she understood that he was no ordinary man but ‘A Holy Man of God” and so stepped up to make things a little more comfortable for him (V.10). This hospitality was a selfless act without expecting anything in return. We understand this beautiful quality she possessed in her response to Elisha in V.13. But God who is a rewarder, knowing that she was childless (though she never voiced her need) fulfilled her dream. Jesus reiterates this saying every act of kindness done to His servants will be rewarded (Mark 9:41)
We need to ask ourselves: ‘Why am I doing what I am doing? Is it to project myself or is it an act of selfless service toward God?
Turned to the right direction: Life is not always a smooth sail. There are times we face many and varied storms that would seem to destroy the very foundation of our lives; it’s at those times we understand who the anchor of our souls is. The Shunamite woman had her own fair share of trouble—having been blessed with a son after a long wait now she had to face the untimely death of her beloved son.
But the amazing lesson we learn is her reaction in face of trouble!!!
she never cursed God
never wailed and howled
never told anyone her deep sorrow not even to her husband or to Elisha ‘s servant – her response was ‘All is well’
At that moment, she turned to the right direction- she looked for God – and she knew that she could find Him only in the ‘Holy man of God’; only he would have the answer to her problem.
Can this be said of each one of us today? Jesus in Matt.11:28&29 gives us this call to come to Him. Do we take Him seriously? Is that the direction we turn to for help?
Experiencing God’s faithfulness: Though the Shunamite woman displayed actions that needed to be commended, there was one area that needed to be worked on – “her unbelief.” She had to come to terms without any doubt that the God of Israel was faithful to keep His promises. This was the biggest lesson she was to learn.
Through this passage we see that at crucial times she exhibits unbelief at the work of God:
Vs 16: her response to Elisha’s prophecy was – “do not lie to your maid servant.”
Vs 28- though she was at the right place her heart was not anchored on God’s word – “Did I not say do not deceive me?”
Do we behave in this manner—outwardly all the spiritually right words and actions but how about when the promises spoken to us are delayed?
The disciples behaved in the same manner; after the death of Christ they went back fishing. They could not believe at that moment the promises given to them by the Lord before His death. But there was a ‘THIRD DAY.’ For He who promised is faithful! (Heb 10:23); He is never too early nor too late. It’s we who are faithless and unfaithful. Elisha knew the God He worshipped was able to bring life from the dead. This brought new faith in the Shunamite woman.
You too can depend on Him no matter what!! HE NEVER LIES!!!
Quote for the day: “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.” (2 Cor.1: 20)
Listen: 'Trusting Jesus that is all'