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1 Timothy 6:1-21                                                             

Friday, 05 April 2024

“Now godliness with contentment is great gain.”  -1 Timothy 6:6

John Rockefeller, one of the richest men of modern times was asked, “How much money does it take to satisfy a man?” He answered, “Just a little more.” That quest after a “little more” can drive a man to ever increasing greed and if not checked and lead to ruin. Instead the Bible teaches us that with true godliness comes great gain!

Paul was careful to give instructions to his spiritual son, Timothy on how to conduct his own life and take care of those in his charge. There were many snares or traps a believer could fall into if his/her foundations wasn’t strong and his faith wasn’t sound. Hence Paul tried to cover every area of Christian life, giving right directives for believers to walk in godly wisdom. In today’s text, Paul draws our attention to wealth and two contrasting attitudes:

·         Godliness—a means to gain

Some saw godliness as a means to gain wealth! Paul here was pointing out to false teachers with wrong motives- profit! Paul does write about servants of God who are worthy of their wages (1 Timothy 5:18) but to make that a means of gain is absolutely wrong. The passion of a servant of God is “not to get” but “to spend and be spent” in the service of Christ and his fellow beings.*

·         Godliness with contentment—great gain

  Paul then moves on to say great gain comes to those who are godly and content. Those who trust God as their Provider are content—they can rest knowing God knows their needs and provides –“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.4:19). Those who burn themselves out to get rich, bring many troubles upon themselves because greed is never satisfied—the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Jesus has given us a key lesson from the Parable of the rich fool who thoughtlessly amassed wealth with no thought of others but himself (Luke 12:13-21). Who would enjoy any of his wealth if his life was taken? Paul here puts it in simple terms to understand: For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1 Timothy 6:7) This should remind us to have the right perspective of material wealth—if we have anything, it is because God has given it to us to enjoy and we are to be good stewards of what he has given to us.

Towards the close of the chapter, Paul again turns his attention to rich believers (those God had blessed with wealth): (Vs.17-19)

·         Not to be proud of their riches

·         Not to trust in uncertain riches- but in God

·         Remind themselves that God had given them to enjoy it- be thankful

·         Be willing to share to those in need

·         Store up a good foundation through good use of wealth that will last to eternity

All these maxims can apply for us today as we try to get the right perspective about wealth and the good use of money or resources God has given us.

Can we learn to loosen our hold on money so that we callow God to direct us to use it wisely and also bless others in need?  Then we will learn that godliness with contentment is great gain!

Thought for the Day:   Greedy? Take Vitamin G: Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put unto your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back. (Luke 6:38)- Robert H. Roberts



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