Colossians 4:1-18
Friday, 06 January 2023
“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.” – Colossians 4:2
One of the most powerful ministries in the world is the ministry of prayer. But we don’t have many taking up this call. We fail to realize that the Kingdom of God can never be established if there are not many on their knees with hands stretched out towards heavens. In today’s reading we see Paul finishing his letter to the church at Colossae with one appeal - To Pray. He knew that only the prayers of the saints would help him complete the task entrusted to him.
As we go through today’s Scripture, Paul highlights the important areas that he needed prayer for. This applies to all who are always out there in the mission fields- they are counting on us.
1. For Open Doors [V.3]- There are many countries and homes that are closed to the gospel. But over the centuries we’ve also seen various walls that were raised up against the gospel crumble in answer to prayer. Even to this day many countries are opposed to the Gospel. How will the people know the truth unless they hear it? That’s where we see God respond in answer to prayer. When we pray, God opens doors and who can shut what God has opened?
2.For Wise walk and Gracious talk [Vs 3&6]– God expects us to be ready with the gospel shoes at all times. As Paul exhorts in 2 Timothy 4:2 – We need to be prepared to preach the word at all times remembering that the days are evil and that time is running out; but always depend on the Spirit to lead us. In Acts 16:6 we read how Paul was forbidden to visit Asia and Bithynia by the Holy Spirit but was led to Macedonia instead. As prayer warriors, our prayer for the servants of God should be that every day their hearts be stirred by the Lord to understand His Will and go where souls are prepared by God to listen to the Gospel.
Paul knew that he needed not only to be in the right place at the right time but also speak the right words. He exhorts the Colossian believers to pray that he would speak the truth with clarity and grace so that the people would be attracted to the gospel of Jesus Christ (Vs 4,6). As we are living in times of great deception, with multitudes of speakers and messages, may we pray that God would raise up people who will speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) always remembering that nothing apart from the Gospel of Jesus Christ could save sinners and bring them safely into the presence of God! This alone is the power of God unto Salvation.
3.For Christian Maturity [Vs.12]- The work of a missionary does not end by just delivering the message. He longs to see new believers grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God. We see Epaphras laboring fervently in prayer for the Colossian believers that they may stand perfect and complete in the will of God(vs.12). When was the last time we prayed this prayer for all the souls we’ve reached for God? This responsibility does not lie solely on those labouring in the field but also on us who partner in the work.
May this year be a new beginning in our Prayer Life that we would understand the seriousness of this ministry. All may not go places and share the gospel, but we can all kneel wherever we are and pray with fervency what the Lord has taught us: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Quote for the day: “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees”- Billy Graham