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Psalm 119:161-176

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble. -Psalm 119:165

Peace is a state of mind that every human being desires to have. All around us, we see people turn to different sources to find peace from the problems and fears they face. We need to understand that apart from the divine presence of God, any medium that a person depends on for peace is only temporal—it doesn’t last, may prove futile and lead to perilous paths.

In Psalm 119:165 the Psalmist describes a spiritual character of the child of God as one who loves God’s law. It does not mean a ritualistic following of God’s commandments, but rather joyfully living a sanctified life within the boundaries of God’s Word, because of their deep love and fellowship with the Heavenly Father.

The Psalmist points out two privileges for those who love God’s Word

Experience Great Peace:

For the believer, peace is not the absence of trials and sorrows, but rather the guiding presence of God in the midst of all trials. (John 16:33) For those who love the Word of God, irrespective of what trials and disappointments we may be facing, there is a great peace within us. When we obediently submit our lives to the authority of Christ, we make a conscious decision to live according to His Word. For such a person who delights in obeying God’s Word, no matter what difficulties arise, he has the complete assurance that God works together all things for good to those loving God, to those being called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) There is no anxious or troubling thought, but rather a great inward peace that results in strength and endurance during trials and leads to powerful testimonies and witnessing for Christ.

As we look into the life of the Apostle Paul, we see a man of God who even while in imprisonment in Rome, wrote to the Church in Philippi to ‘Rejoice in the Lord always...’ (Philippians 4:4) He was able to rejoice in spite of the chains, because of the peace he experienced in knowing that God is in complete control. When we live within the limits of God’s Word, we have the assurance too.

Withstand Temptations:

Those who diligently obey the law of God, are protected from stumbling when facing temptations – nothing can make them fall (V.165). We are asked to “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) The enemy is always waiting for an opportunity for our foot to slip, that he may accuse us and get a grip over us. As God’s children, purchased by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, let us make every effort to stay alert and live within the perimeter of God’s precepts, giving no provision for the weakness of the flesh. A close personal relationship with God results in a desire to faithfully obey His Word and prevents us from turning away from His commandments. In Ps. 119:11[NLT] the Psalmist says: “I have hidden your [God’s] word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

Let us continue each day to build up the deep loving relationship with our Heavenly Father and joyfully obey His precepts, that our hearts be strengthened in His peace and our feet be firm from stumbling.

Promise: “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” [Isaiah 26:3]


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