Genesis 14: 1-24
Tuesday, 21 September 2021

But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth...” -Genesis 14:22
When we study the life of Abraham, we see his deep rooted faith in the God who called him. This relationship led him to make the right responses in many situations which in turn blessed him with great rewards. Today’s chapter focuses on Abraham’s response to both man and God that displays his godly character, which separated him from his nephew Lot, who lived more for the here and now (the Worldly).
How the Worldly live:
We read in chapter 13 that Lot, Abraham’s nephew chose to move into Sodom after the discord with Abraham’s herdsmen. He moved because
He saw that the place was well-watered (Gen 13: 10)
looked like the garden of the Lord (Gen 13:10)
The worldly will always be driven by the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Lot did just that— at first he chose to live in the cities close to Sodom (Gen 13:12); but it wasn’t too long when he moved into Sodom and dwelt there where all the action was taking place (Gen.14: 12). When people live to satisfy their fleshly desires they never realize how slowly but steadily they slide into captivity, because their decisions are not directed by the will of God, rather by their human wisdom, insight and desires. Then one day they would find themselves in a spot they cannot get out off. This is how Lot found himself- A captive in the hands of the raiding kings! (V.12) In God’s mercy, the Lord provided a saviour for Lot.
Do you find yourself like Lot today? Have you become enslaved to sin? You don’t have to remain there, you do have a Saviour! Luke 4:18 reminds us: “Jesus came to set the captives free!”
How should the Godly Respond?
When Abraham knew that his nephew was in trouble, he was under no compulsion to rescue him because Genesis 13:11 says: “And they separated from each other.” Why should Abraham or any godly man respond to such news when the other has taken his or her own decision to walk the way of destruction?
Well Abraham did respond and here are the Reasons:
Concern for the lost – V.14 records that the moment he heard of this, he got ready for action. Abraham got ready for physical battle. For the godly it’s a spiritual battle on their knees. They cannot stand by and watch anyone perish.
Pursues the lost –(V.15) Not only did he show concern, but risked his own life to bring Lot back to safety. God is still calling us to go out into the market place or maybe to the ends of the world to rescue those who are still held captive under sin. Who will respond to this? Only the one who has had an encounter with God like Abraham. Jude 22&23 says: “Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire..” This is our call.
Expects nothing from man – The one called by God serves God and expects a reward only from Him. He has learnt to say ‘NO’ to worldly profits and waits for a heavenly reward. We read it so clearly in Abraham’s response to the king of Sodom in vs 22&23.
To such a man, heaven is not silent. Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God (a shadow of Jesus, our Heavenly Man) steps in to bless Abraham –the godly man (Vs.18-20).
Today we have an example from Abraham to emulate! As Paul says in Col.3:23&24: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” This will surely distinguish us -both men and women- from the rest of the world.
Quote for the Day: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
Listen: ‘Godly Men’