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Proverbs 21:1-31

Saturday, 06 April 2024

To do righteousness and justice

Is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. -Proverbs 21:3


The Book of Proverbs is purely a practical guide to godliness. It clearly gives us wisdom for our day-to-day lives. It’s advisable to read at least one chapter of Proverbs on a daily basis; month after month. This will give us heavenly wisdom for our practical life and surely keep us from stumbling. In today’s devotion we are looking at the most prevalent problem that is happening around us and if we are not careful, we will also be a party to it. Let’s look carefully what the Word of God says to us. From the key verse for today what could be the reason we see the opposite happening?


Godlessness is a character, prevalent and on the increase in these end times. As we read the Prophets and the Apostles we hear them warning us about it. So it is not surprising to see it around us in the present day.

What does Godlessness mean? It is a state a person would be according to Rom 1:18-21: 

·        deny the existence of a supreme Creator and Moral Being,

·        reject  His authority

·        does not fear God

·        live according to one’s own moral standard

·        suppressing the truth

So we see that godlessness and self-righteousness go together—it’s the result of disobedience to God's Word. People are not willing to obey God’s word implicitly and they replace it with earthly wisdom and actions.

     Let us understand this from the life of King Saul. God sent Prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as the King over Israel (1Sam 15:1). Then God gave him instructions to wage war against the Amalekites and destroy everything in the land, both man and beast. (1Sam.15:3) This was a clear command given to Saul by God. But he acted otherwise. Saul in his own wisdom rejected the Word of the Lord with his own self-righteous deed, by not destroying the Amalekites completely and keeping the best for him. He acted on his own moral understanding thereby rejecting the authoritative Word of God.


What is God’s response to Saul’s self righteous deed?

1Sam 15:22-23: So Samuel said, "Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.  A great lesson to learn! Obedience leading to right actions is better than sacrifice.

     Why would one fail to obey God’s specific instructions? Two reasons mentioned:

·        Prov.21: 2 – when a person thinks his own way is right

·        Prov.21:4 – a person with haughty eyes and a proud heart

When God is dethroned from our hearts, then ‘Í’ becomes enthroned, directing our lives in pride and human wisdom. Our actions then come from a place of selfish ambition, self-seeking and with a desire to be better than others. According to James 3:15, its earthly and demonic.

     Only when we open our heart to the Lordship of Jesus will we begin to live in the fruit of the Holy Spirit that leads to a transformed life, one of repentance and obedience to God’s word just as we see in the life of Zacchaeus. His changed heart led him to make restitution for all the unrighteous and unjust acts he had done. He did not do anything to impress Jesus, but Jesus impacted his life that helped him change his actions.

     As Jesus reigns in our heart all our deeds will match His requirements. No matter how difficult the cost, one will obey God to the uttermost leading to acts of righteousness and justice.


DON’T FORGET: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8



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