Psalm 63
Sunday, 05 March 2023

“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You.” -Psalm 63:1
David wrote this psalm while in the wilderness of Judah— may be at the time he was fleeing from his son Absalom who was seeking to kill him. In his time of need, David was well aware of where his help came from. Turning his heart toward God, he wrote Psalm 63. Even in the middle of the wilderness and while his life was threatened he chose to praise his wonderful Lord and seek His direction. We, too, may expect to be cast into rough places as we journey through life. May we choose to seek Him at all times!
David declares his faith in a personal God: For David, God was not an idol carved out of gold, silver, wood, or stone. He was the living God who acted in history and was intimately involved in David’s life as exhibited by his personal relationship with the Lord. Today, you and I can have the same personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our personal relationship with the living God begins with the realization that we are sinners who need a Saviour. Our sin separates us from a holy God. Yet God reached down to His creation by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to live a perfect life, not sinning once, and then dying on the cross in order to be the Perfect Sacrifice to pay for all our sins. Jesus Christ died for our sin to reconcile us to God. Three days later, He was bodily resurrected from the dead to demonstrate that all sin had been paid for, Satan had been defeated and death conquered. Now He offers each of us the free gift of salvation, which one can receive by simply putting one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting Him alone for salvation. When a person thus puts his/her faith in Christ, he/she is born into God’s family and becomes a child of God (John 1:12). Here starts a personal relationship with God our Father!
David proclaims his purpose and priority in life: David states: “Early will I seek You.” His purpose in life was to seek the Lord and His face; his priority was to seek the Lord and His direction in the different circumstances of his life. This pattern can also be seen in the life of the Lord Jesus who would rise up early in the morning for prayer and always did the Father’s will. David meditated on God in the hours of the night: “When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches.” (Psalm 63:6). To meditate on God is to have our mind and heart wholly set on the Lord. Another part of our meditation is God’s Word- which we must read, study and ponder on what we have read and studied. Meditation involves memorization so that we can think upon Scripture and act upon them. If we are set on seeking the sweet presence of the Lord, then we will talk much of Him during our day. His name and His praise will flow naturally from our lips. If we pursue God as fervently as David did, His name will never be far from our minds and our lips. Our thoughts, words and deeds will always reflect the depth with which we seek the Lord. Our lives must reflect His will.
May we desire and seek God all the days of our life!
Thought: "Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:25–26)
Listen: 'God is the strength'