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Jeremiah 51:1-19

Monday, 24 July 2023

“Flee from Babylon! Save yourselves! Don't get trapped in her punishment! It is the LORD's time for vengeance; He will repay her in full.” -Jeremiah 51:6

The Judgment of God is righteous, and it happens at the right time. It is based on one single fact as we see in this verse. And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. (John 3:19)

At the time of Jeremiah, God had used Babylonians to punish the sins of Judah. They were carried as captives to the land of Babylon during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. But even when this judgment was on its way, God declared the fate of Babylon in the coming days when their iniquity is tipping the heavenly balance in the hand of Almighty God. So God gives foreknowledge to His people, that He will remember them and in turn destroy their enemies at the right time.

It is wonderful to note that we have a similar chapter in the book of Revelation. Revelation Chpt.18 describes the destruction of the great Babylon. If we read it carefully we can see the similarities in both these chapters. In other words, when Prophet Jeremiah was prophesying about the fall of Babylon during his time, he was in turn proclaiming what was yet to come at the end of days.

Here the Babylon typifies all that is up and against God and God's saints. All the world and its charm that has kept the saints of God as captives, will be rightly judged by God. During the day of destruction no one can stand; big and small will be affected. All its charms and spells that captivated the whole earth with all the immorality will be destroyed in such a way that it will come up no more. God's judgment is imminent and it will surely come. It will come suddenly and all those who are lined up in the godless Babylonian system will be ruined in it. The line that divides is clear for everyone to read and know. Those who follow Jesus Christ or Anti-Christ !!!

Word of Admonition to the Saints of God:

Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, "Come away from her, My people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her.”(Rev 18:4)

The people of God need to walk clearly away from such abominations that has defiled the world and the worldly religious system. All the worldly system has been corrupted under the anti-Christ regime and it will be wiped out by God in His fury and instead He will bring forth His King to reign and rule from Jerusalem the city of God. The King of kings and the Lord of lords is coming to rule in righteousness.

So knowing this let us be sober and Kingdom-minded people; always prepared to enter into our foretold destiny, which is sure to come. In order to enter into that eternal kingdom, let us be prepared. Be Separate!!! Be United with Christ Jesus!!!

Note: “Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don't touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.” (2Corinthians 6:17)



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