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Saturday, 1 August 2020 2 Kings 19:1-37

"Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it; and Hezekiah went up to the house of the LORD and spread it before the LORD." (2Kings 19:14)

In today's text, we have the story of a King, who prayed and received his answers from God. Surmounting pressures from all corners drives a man to his knees in utter dependence on God—that’s the lesson we learn from here. The writer has beautifully chronicled the whole situation which finally brought glory to God through His ways being established among His people. Once again God proved to His people that He is their true King, who protects and rules over them. He never leaves nor forsakes His own. Troubles all around do not mean that He has abandoned us but, it is yet another plan to bring us closer to reality that God is mighty in our lives!

Today's reading gives us two great insights:

  1. Spread it before our God: King Hezekiah brought the blasphemous letter directly before God. Literally he spreads it before God and prays for His intervention in this situation. God answered immediately. But the point to be noted is how this man presented it before God. He lamented the name and honour of his God being defiled through threats of a foreign invader. In other words, he identifies himself and his people as God's. The threat was not only against them but also against God in direct application. How beautiful to identify ourselves as God's own and therefore to ask for direct intervention to vindicate His holy name. God will surely act on behalf of His name and the threats of the enemy will be dealt with divinely and we will be safe in His hands. So when threatened with difficult situations and challenges, spread all your cases directly before God, He will act on it!

  2. Stand firm and see God's Salvation: Isaiah stands in contrast to the rest of the people of God. He is like an immovable mountain, standing tall and firm. He was not moved by the threats of the enemy, instead he stood firm on his ground because he had the inner conviction about God and His plans for His people. He brought the word of the Lord to encourage Hezekiah. On the contrary, King Hezekiah was wavering. God had in the first instance given His assurance of how He would deal with the matter. But he became concerned when the threat was repeated by the enemy.

We need to stand firm on the promises God has made to us when we encounter problems or difficulties that come against us. Circumstances do not change the promises of God. He will act on it in its due season. Like Isaiah, we need to stand tall in our faith life so that others can witness how we trust in God and how God acts on behalf of His beloved ones. Isaiah in both instances (Vs.6-7 and Vs.20-34) shows how he was clear about God's ways and actions. If we walk closely with God, we too can be so confident like this servant of God. We can face the challenges from the evil one with courage and strength.

Remember: “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” (Psalm 125:1)

Prayer: Abba Father, today I spread all my concerns and worries before you. You will act on my behalf and vindicate me and your name will be honoured through all these situations. Thank you for answering; in Jesus name, I pray. Amen.



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