3 John 1-14
Tuesday, 30 April 2024

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
“… do not imitate what is evil but what is good.” -3 John Vs.4 &11
The Word of God insists and encourages us to walk in truth. Walking in truth, means walking with Christ. Those who walk with Christ produce the fruit of Spirit. John the Apostle encourages the believers to continue being hospitable.
The epistles, 2 John & 3 John view different angles of hospitality. In 2 John, the apostle forbids entertaining and offering hospitality to false teachers and those who deviate from the truth. He warns that they should not entertain those who do not walk in accordance with the teachings of Christ as they might share in their sins (2 John Vs.9-11). 3 John admonishes the church in not offering hospitality to faithful servants of God. Apostle John got the message that some travelling missionaries endorsed by him were not accommodated by certain churches. So this epistle was written in order to remind them of this and to appreciate Gaius’ hospitality and his good works.
Gaius’ example of hospitality is a good example to follow. Let us examine certain Scriptures that tell us how to treat true servants of God:
· We should show hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9).
· We should receive them in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints and assist them in whatever help they need (Romans 16:2).
· We must devote ourselves to the ministry of the saints (1Cor. 16:15).
· Those who are taught the Word of God should share in all good things with him who teaches (Galatians 6:6).
· We should share in their distress, (Philippians 4:14) and help them who labor in the gospel (Philippians 4:3).
Further in this chapter John writes about Diotrephes who did not receive those travelling missionaries but put them out of the church (V.10). Pride had taken precedence in his life; the ‘self’ had got the better of him. John instructs us not to be like him by saying not to imitate what is evil, but what is good (V.11). This is a clear warning for us to be careful and to follow those whose words and actions which are in line with the gospel.
How is our approach to those who are working in His vineyard? How do we treat the servants of God/missionaries who come to us? Are we eager enough to welcome them with a heart of love? It’s easy to have people who we know or whose company we enjoy in our homes, but hospitality should extend beyond a close circle of friends or acquaintances to those who need the expression of God’s love. Let us ask God for a discerning spirit to recognize the genuine and others who are like wolves in sheep’s clothing!! Genuine Servants of the gospel deserve our support, love, care and welcome in our churches and homes, in doing so we become fellow workers for the truth (V.8). Romans 12:13[NLT] says: “When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.”
Dear brethren, if you are hospitable to people of God, do continue doing so as it is a wonderful spiritual gift and to those who are yet to practice it, remember there is a blessing in practicing hospitality—we too participate in the gospel work and promote God’s Kingdom work.
Think on: “The Bible teaches that our homes should be hospitable and that those who come in and out of our homes should sense the presence of Christ.” ~ Billy Graham