Ezekiel 43:1-27 Wednesday, 15 July 2020

"This is the law of the temple: All the surrounding area on top of the mountain will be most holy. Such is the law of the temple." -Ezekiel 43:12
Ezekiel was given visions about the temple to be built, with clear descriptions and dimensions. We will be amazed at the details described here. Our God is a God, who has a plan for everything and He wants His plans to be executed, without any change. Also, the ordinances and the consecration of this temple were also given in the description. Every minutest detail is given for man to follow. The law concerning the temple is that it should be holy. Not only the temple but all its surroundings. A temple which is completed in this manner is blessed with the glorious presence of God himself as we read in the starting of this chapter (Ezekiel 43:2)
This passages directly applies to the New Testament times. In these days, we are the temple of the living God. (1Cor. 3:16: "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's Temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?") He inhabits our being and we are a sanctuary to Him. God wants our life to be thus consecrated and separated unto Him. The law of the temple given in the above verse is very clear that the temple and its surroundings are to be holy. The holiness mentioned here refers to moral purity as well as separation from the world. The Word of God draws very clear distinction about how a person has to conduct himself in this world and be separate unto God, so that he can carry the glory of God around wherever he goes. This is a great and awesome responsibility to every believer. Being chosen and separated by God for His glory, we need to keep ourselves holy and separate so that we will display His glory in our being. He will inhabit every part of our being so that we ourselves become salt and light in this world. (Matthew 5:13-16)
The details given in the chapters (Ezekiel 40-48) are about the Temple. But this temple was not built in reality. This is actually fulfilled in a believer’s life. This is the sanctuary which God wants. From the valley of dry bones in (Chapter 37) to the river flowing in (Chapter 47), we see how the Lord describes every little detail about the construction and functioning of a Temple from where He will never go out. Dear saints—this is you and me, consecrated for this holy purpose. He bids us to keep our lives holy for His habitation. We were like those dry bones scattered here and there in this world. But God in His mercy chose us and separated us and filled us with His glorious presence by pouring out His Holy Spirit upon our lives so that we will be His sanctuary forever.
God is the architect and the builder of our life! If we allow Him to work freely in our lives, He will bring forth beauty out of ashes; praises instead of mourning. Pure living stream will flow out from the temple instead of defilement. Let us submit to Him today to complete His work in us, so that our life will become holy and that His glory will dwell in our lives.
Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven; I submit my life to be built by you so that I can become a Holy Temple for your dwelling -In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.