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Proverbs 20:1-30

Saturday, 19 March 2022

“The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart…” -Proverbs 20:27

Gaining knowledge is to gather facts into our minds but gaining wisdom is to see people, situations, trials and difficult circumstances in life as God sees them. In the book of Proverbs, we see the mind of God revealed in grand matters and in everyday occurrences of life too. We need to understand that, to reject God and His Word is to choose folly over wisdom.

God has given every human being a free will. Our God is God of love and wants all His creation to follow Him willingly and out of love. The Word of God calls us to live wisely, to choose wisdom and follow God. Following God and His Word promises us the blessings of God, life abundant, joy and peace, and above all the goodness of God will dwell in us.

The Lord has given us a mind and conscience; we cannot hide from ourselves. When a lamp is lit, it dispels all darkness and brings light. Likewise, when the Light of Jesus comes upon us, we are brought out of darkness into His marvellous light (cf:1 Peter 2:9). The Word of God says of Christ Jesus in John 1:4: In Him was life, and that life was the light of the world. It is up to us to choose light over darkness, to choose life over death. It’s the desire of Satan that man live in darkness, discouraged, depressed and defeated, contrary to the will of God that desires that we live in the light, victoriously here on earth and in eternity through His Son, Jesus Christ. When the light of Jesus shines into our lives we will no longer be bound by sin and evil. Jesus said, I am the Light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John8:12)

From the moment we make that willful decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, the Holy Spirit begins to lead us every step of our lives through His Word, helping us take an inward look at our hearts, to examine ourselves, our thoughts, actions, our motives and our desires and remove anything that is displeasing to the Lord. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word, is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.” The Word of God when shone in our hearts, refines us from within and leads us every day to a closer walk with God. It searches out all the hidden sins within us and brings them to light so we can confess and receive forgiveness.

If we live in the light, just as He is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, purifies us from every sin (Ref: 1 John 1: 7). The light of God shining within us separates us from the darkness of the world. The light that is within us is the Life of Jesus. Not only will our inner life shine for the Lord, our very being will begin to reflect the glory of God because Jesus said, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt.5: 16)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may Your light shine on me, in me and through me! Amen

Listen: ‘Shine Jesus shine



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