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John 12:27-50

Tuesday, 01 August 2023

“………. But for this purpose, I came to this hour.” - John12:27

Our reading today reveals the two aspects of the life of our Lord Jesus -fully human and fully divine. As a human, he lived through the agonies any human being would go through, so that people of all times would easily relate with Him. At the same time, He is fully God- so He is able to represent our case before the throne of God. The Bible has truly recorded His human nature many times - when He was thirsty, hungry, angry and emotional.

The reading begins with a statement that comes out of anguish. Jesus was fully aware of the purpose of His life. He knew very well that He had to die to save the world. It is written in 1John 4:14, “The Father has sent the Son as the Saviour of the world.” And in John 3:14 Jesus stated the manner in which He would become the Saviour – to be lifted up like the bronze serpent of Moses. So it was not the thought of death or the pain of crucifixion that would have caused this agony.

As we meditate the Word it becomes clear that it was the pain of separation from His Father, with whom He enjoyed unbroken fellowship always! Jesus was so grieved that He even pleaded with the Father to save Him from that hour. However, immediately Jesus says, “But for this purpose I came to this hour.” And then he states “Father, glorify Your name.” Father God immediately endorsed this reaction of Jesus “Then a voice came out of heaven “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.””

Even at His most agonizing hour, Jesus focused on the purpose of His life and declared His desire to glorify His Father’s name. In1 Peter 2:21, it is written Jesus Christ left an example for all of us to follow. We too might pass through agonizing times as Jesus did—even some of you might be passing through very tough situations in life now that you are at a loss as to what to do further. You do not see the end and are very desperate. How do we respond/react? First of all, let us focus on our purpose and then let us understand that we are brought to this situation for a purpose! Secondly, let us pray that the name of God be glorified through the situation that we pass through!

We need to keep reminding ourselves that we are in this world for the purpose of God. Romans 8:29 says we are predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus. Further we are called to be the witness for Jesus Christ: we are the ambassadors of Christ, we are the voice to declare the excellencies of Him who brought us out of darkness to His marvelous light!! We are to go into the uttermost parts of the world and make disciples of all the nations! We have to pull some out of fire!! We have to pray and bring healing to certain others, we have to be the extended arms and body of Jesus Christ.

Remind yourself that you have a purpose! There are things that happen, which may distract your focus, but remind yourself that your purpose is different!! When we remind ourselves of our purpose, the gravity of the situation will reduce. Let us further have only one desire that in whatever we pass through, that the name of God will be glorified!! This is a profound truth that will give us victory. Let us humbly submit our situation to our Father in heaven and ask Him to be glorified through our lives.

TO ACT ON: In your difficult situation, in sickness, in your desperation, in your failures and in your darkest moments, will you pray that the name of God be glorified through you? That is the victory!!

Listen: 'Be glorified'



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