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Psalm 138

Saturday, 2 October 2021

“The LORD will perfect that which concerns me” Psalm 138:8

Psalm 138 is one of great faith and hope. The Psalmist rejoices over God’s goodness in his life while looking forward to His faithfulness to fulfil God’s purposes for him. As most of the Psalms do, this one also lends much strength to a believer who may be experiencing ebbing tides of doubt or discouragement sweep across his/her life.

A believer who goes through such situations in life can learn from the Psalmist’s approach seen in the Psalm itself:

  • His praise & worship (Vs.1,2): David expresses exuberant praise and worship to Almighty God. Rightly giving God His worth is worship. Worship helps us to keep God in focus, diverting the attention from us and our problems.

  • His dependence on God who answers prayer (V.3): That God heard and answered him is an anchor to his soul that He will hear again! That added strength to his heart.

  • His understanding of the greatness of God and his smallness (Vs 4-6): He speaks of God’s great glory which even kings will behold and praise Him for. This makes him humble and he knows the Lord looks kindly at the humble in heart, not the proud.

  • His trust in God who saves (V. 7): This further arouses hope in God- He will deliver! “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me..”

  • His confidence in God’s perfect work (Vs 8): The Lord who perfects all that concerns him! He is confident God is faithful to fulfill His purposes.

Every person goes through ups and downs in life- but how we approach these situations decides our triumph in them. One can go through life whining about all that is wrong or blame “fate” for what is happening to him. This will only bring more grit and grime to life! But for the one who takes the approach we have seen of the Psalmist, it’s a different story! - Though he goes through the challenges of life, his faith and trust in God, His Word will help him sail above the storms! The assurance of the Lord’s perfect work in his life will sustain him.

If you need that kind of assurance, first have your life given to the reign of God. That means you acknowledge God as the Owner of your life and hence yielding yourself to let Him work His plan for you. If you aren’t sure you are in the plan of God, first establish a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ by inviting Him into your life. Ephesians 3:17 [NLT] says: “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.” Then your life can be directed by the Spirit of God living in you and His Word- the Bible. Every day of your life will then be directed according to His purpose as you yield your life to Him more and more.

Worried about where your life is heading to? Or are you thinking what the future holds for you? God’s purposes for you are greater than your tiniest thought! Trust Him fully to fulfill every bit of His plan as you walk with Him in faith every day!


God is faithful, by whom you were

called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

(1 Cor.1:9)

Listen: ‘YOU are faithful



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