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Micah 4:1-13

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

“But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD, And they do not understand His plan…” - Micah 4:12

In the prophecies given by Micah to his people, it is mixed with both retribution for their sins and restoration for the nation. They would receive just punishment of having turned away from God and His ways at the same time the wicked nation responsible for their exile and cruelty would be brought to book. The nations who harmed God’s people were little aware of what awaited them.

Knowing the mind of the Lord in critical moments and situations has been most difficult and challenging for humanity. Paul quoted Isaiah in Romans 11:34: “For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has become His counselor?” The answer is “No one!” In the Lord’s mind, there are various thoughts ranging from encouragement, comfort, deliverance, rebuke and chastisement etc. Even though the thoughts of our Lord Jesus towards His own, are good and not evil, the wicked in their mind are always ensnared in their own web, because of not knowing what is in the Lord’s mind for them or against them.

This is why the word of the Lord encourages us to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding (cf. Prov.3:5). In the mind of the Lord lies everything that surrounds our person— be it our future, health, job, family etc. There is no man or nation in all its knowledge that can out-think the Lord and Master of the universe, because His ways are not our ways neither His thoughts our thoughts (cf. Isaiah 55:8-9). His mind and thoughts goes beyond human comprehension- hence the more emphasis placed in His word to us to rely on him whole heartedly. It is those that trust in the Lord, who will be like Mount Zion which cannot be removed but remains forever.

The Lord knows our every moment and experience as we sojourn on the face of the earth. We are not only the apple of His eyes, but made in His image and likeness and loves us as His own. He is with us 24/7, right round the clock and his thoughts towards us in His mind are very powerful. Because the Lord carries us in his mind, anything that concerns us, concerns Him as well. He promises in His word not to leave us nor to forsake us.

The Spirit of the Lord who indwells the believer will reveal the thoughts of the Lord if you seek Him. It says in 1 Corinthians 2: 11-12: “…Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” God can reveal to us what He intends through His Spirit, as we yield to Him.

As people and nations around us are frantic to know things happening around them, the believer can trust the Lord and His Word to be sure that He is working all things according to His purpose. Paul mentions this in Ephesians 1:11: “…Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will..”

Meanwhile as ambassadors of our Lord and Master, he has charged us with the task and responsibility to make disciples of all nations. This gives us a clear picture of what is in the Lord’s mind for all nations: “Soul winning is the heartbeat of God for our times.” As the Lord will one day come to judge the earth, may we have the desire to see others coming into His Kingdom that they may not be condemned but saved.

Prayer: Dear LORD, help me to understand Your will and purpose and cooperate with You to see it done. Amen.



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