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Tuesday, 28 July 2020 Zephaniah 3:1-20

“Every morning He brings His justice to light; He never fails …” -Zeph.3:5

Zephaniah is one of the prophetic books of the Bible that declares the message of the ‘Day of the Lord,’ a day of God’s judgment. It was written at a time when Israel, Judah and the surrounding nations were living in moral and spiritual degradation. Zephaniah was raised up at this point to speak to the people of Judah.

We see the condition of Judah in the first 4 verses. People and rulers of the land were rebellious, God- haters, arrogant, wicked, treacherous and profane. Take a close look and we would see the same in our times. God is very displeased with His people and the nations, yet He is patiently waiting, hoping that they would return to Him. But if they don’t, His anger would boil over as Zeph 3:8 says, “…for the day I will stand up and testify…to pour out my wrath on them- all my fierce anger.” God does not take pleasure in destroying us. We are still living in His grace. May we hasten our return to Him as 2 Peter 3:9 says ‘He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’

As we read today’s scripture there are 3 things God would grant to those who turn to Him and seek His face.

I. Purity

The first thing God would do is to purge them of their sin. The people were lifting their voices in worship to false gods instead of THE ONE TRUE GOD. Zeph 3:9 says “Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD …” He shows mercy to all. No one is denied the opportunity to call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel is for everyone and one day heaven will be filled with people from every nation, tribe and language (Revelation 7:9). If you have not repented and called on the name of the Lord Jesus do not delay; receive His divine mercy. His Coming is at hand.

II. Humility

A quality lacking in many of us these days. Lack of humility shows lack of God- dependence. We are so self-sustained that we don’t have a clear perspective of ourselves. That was what happened to Judah and the nations around. “They rejoiced in their pride” (Zeph 3:11). But the God of mercy once again removes their heart of pride and gives them a heart to trust in the name of the Lord (Zeph 3:12). If you and I are called God’s people, are we clothed with humility? Will God delight in us and rejoice over us? (Zeph 3:17). If not, may we put on this garment as God’s chosen ones as Paul says in Colossians 3: 12 before the coming of our Righteous Judge.

III. Security

This is something the present world needs. We are constantly under surveillance .There is no safe place in the world today- how much ever money or property we possess. It was to such an oppressed people God assures them security (Zeph 3:18-20). He does not keep a record of our wrongs. Judah had broken her covenant with God, but He will never break it. He is the same unchanging God that you and I serve. He is Righteous in all his ways yet merciful to his people when we return to him.

He is coming again for His children to gather them and to take them home where he has prepared a mansion for us. (John 14: 2-4). The world events tell us His Coming is at hand. Let us seek the Lord [Zeph.2:3] lest we be consumed by the fire of His jealous anger (Zeph.3:8).

Think on it: “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Luke 12:40

Listen: ‘The Great Day’



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