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Ruth 3:1-18      

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

“I will do whatever you say,” Ruth answered. –Ruth 3: 5

How many of us would readily respond in such a manner as Ruth did? You may say, that would depend on the task given to us. Here we have Ruth asked by her mother-in law to do a very strange thing— to go and lie at the feet of a man. If Ruth was found out, she would have to pay a painful price. Just imagine such a command given to us! What would have been our response?

What do you think would have been the reason for Ruth to do such a daring and difficult task? The result of her obedience has enabled her to be remembered in the lineage of the most important family of the world—the family of Jesus (Matthew 1:5)!

Reason 1: Trust. – We read in Ruth 1:16 of Ruth making the most important decision of her life. She decided to take the journey back to Bethlehem with her mother-in law. Ruth who was a foreigner to that land, was willing to risk her life, by trusting her mom-in law and entrusting her future into her hands. She chose to believe that her mother-in law would do her no harm.

The Lord Jesus does the same for us when we trust Him.  When we entrust our lives into His loving hands we begin a new spiritual journey with Him and we choose to believe that “All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8: 28)

Reason 2: Concern - Ruth realised that Naomi was not using her for her own comfort and benefit rather she had a genuine concern about the wellbeing of this girl (Ruth 3:1) who had left everything and everyone she knew, to follow Naomi and to live with her.

It’s the same with us who make a decision to follow Christ. He knows we have left our worldly possessions, relations to follow him and so he is concerned about every area of our lives. He wants to see us blessed. See what Paul wrote in Romans 8: 32 : “He who did not spare his own son ,but gave him up for us all-how will he not also along with him graciously give us all things?’ HE will meet all our needs- be it spiritual, material, financial, physical or emotional. We are HIs responsibility.

Mary, the mother of Jesus was yet another young woman who responded to God’s command in a similar manner. She too faced a very difficult command to obey. All she said in return was ‘Be it unto me according to your word, meaning “whatever you say I will do.”

Two women whose names will never be forgotten because of their complete obedience—an obedience that flowed out of their deep love, reverence and respect to the one to whom they were devoted to! One of them-the grand old grandmother of Jesus, the other, the mother of Jesus!

Through the ages there have been people commissioned to do a task for the Lord and each of them when they responded to the call have left a great impact on this world and they are remembered even to this day.  David Livingston, Amy Carmichael, Mary Slessor, Jim Elliot, Billy Graham- just to name a few. There are many more whose names we don’t know but heaven records.

2 Chronicles 16:9 [MSG] says: “God is always on the alert constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him.”

When the word come our way, are we committed enough to respond like Ruth?

Thought for the Day: “Obedience is the fruit of faith.”  -Christina Rossetti

Listen: 'Trust & Obey'



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