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The Rest in HIM!

Isaiah 35:1-10 

Tuesday, 07 January 2025

“Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” -Isaiah 35:10

As you read this morning’s Scripture, the first thought that could have come to your mind is ‘Will this truly happen? Is there going to be a time such as this?’ Isaiah sure must have had these thoughts, because this vision was given to him right after God pronounced judgment on the nations around Israel (Chapter 34).  Well child of God, we might not see it now around us nor right now in our own lives but The One who promised is faithful. It may look delayed to us but He will do it, as He has promised!What are we to do until we see this promise is fulfilled in our own lives?

  • Receive a Fresh Revelation of God: V. 2 They will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” Very often when we go through real tough times in our lives, we lose sight of the Greatness and Glory of God. Isaiah had the same experience. In Chapter 6 after the death of King Uzziah, Isaiah must have lost sight of God’s Sovereignty but right at that moment he had a fresh revelation of God Almighty. At the most difficult time of his life he sees God High and Exalted. In Luke 8 we hear the helpless cry of the disciples when they faced a storm. They thought that it was the end of their lives. But to their surprise, right in the midst of the storm they receive a fresh revelation of Jesus that they exclaim What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” May you and I, just as the disciples capture a glimpse of the glory of God as we spend time with Him this morning.

  • A Renewed Faith: When you and I experience a fresh revelation of God, it spontaneously builds up our faith in the One who has spoken into our lives. V.4: “ say to those fearful hearts , “Be strong , do not fear; your God will come,” Our faith is in a  God who will never go back on His Word. Matt. 24:35 says Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.” Abraham, the Father of faith, did just this. In Romans 4 we read, how he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.”  As we wait for God’s promises to be fulfilled in our lives, are we being strengthened in our faith or are we being tossed about on the waves of doubt and unbelief?  Now is the time for us to stay rooted in the Word of God. He will surely come to our rescue.

  • A New Beginning: Vs. 9 & 10 But only the redeemed will walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord will return.” An individual who has had the above experiences can never go back to his old way of life. Our lives are now hidden with Christ in God (Col.3:2). We are called to a life of holiness.  As 1 Thessalonians 4:7 says For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.The only words Jesus spoke to the woman caught in adultery in John 8 is:‘ Go and sin no more’.  The call now is for us to leave the old way of life and cleave to the Saviour. Let us then walk with Him daily as Enoch walked and one day, we will enter Zion [the new Jerusalem Rev. 21] with singing; everlasting joy will crown their[our] heads (Isa.35:10). Until then may we continue to pursue the Living God in our times of waiting and see His promises fulfilled in our lives.

Think on it: To wait on God means to pause and soberly consider our own inadequacy and the Lord’s all-sufficiency.” - John Piper  



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