Friday, 19 June 2020 Genesis 18:1-15

“I will also bring a bit of food; it will give you strength to continue your journey. You have honored me by coming to my home, so let me serve you.” -Genesis 18:5 [GNT]
In the human spectrum of life, men move by classes, clans, nationality etc. But according to God’s order, life is driven by the issues of the heart. The situation and position of our hearts always propels and projects what ignites our thoughts, actions - in the activities we do.
When the heart is set on a journey of pleasing our Lord, it influences our thoughts and actions for our fellow brethren and humanity. Life in itself is not just thinking about who we are, and what we have achieved, but its all about how best we are willing and ready to serve humanity- our brothers and sisters making use of the immediate opportunity we have, to do so in obedience to the voice and call of our Master!
In dealing with humans, its always tempting and easier to assign importance using the human class board theories. The action of Abraham gives us a clear picture and method of approach towards humanity in terms of tapping into the riches and values placed in reception and generosity. Abraham was moved within his spirit to respond because he realized the values and importance in hospitality.
The open heartedness of reception and generosity always prompts God to do the impossible. Whenever God is honored in any point in time, whether directly or indirectly, He is always bound by His word to respond in a supernatural fashion in agreement with the person or persons concerned. Hebrews 6:10 says: ”God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
The receptive and generous heart of faith in the Rahab which she expressed to the spies in Jericho, earned her freedom from destruction and placed her and her family in a better footing with the Lord, making her an ancestress of the Messiah. Abraham’s reception and generosity paved the way to receive the promise of the miraculous child, even though Sarah his wife had passed the stage of childbearing. He received the news after he had generously received and served the Lord with his free will. The receptive and generous heart of the Widow in Zarephath expressed to Elijah creates open doors of great blessing for her and her son.
There are lots of brothers and sisters mentioned in the Scripture who touched the heart of God by just positioning their hearts and minds to being receptive and generous to people and situations that pleased the Lord. There are great values in reception and generosity which does not only affect the individual/s concerned, but will also spill over to the generation following, as the Lord re-echoes the particular acts and actions of these persons/s. Every moment of service that touches the heart of the Lord, he is bound by His Word to show himself real and grateful by responding in ways that blesses the individual and brings glory to His name.
You may not be a Pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet or any well-known person. But by simply opening our heart to be receptive and generous in obedience and not pride, you will surely earn God’s favor of Love, Peace and divine blessing in your lives, homes, work, and business; and above all in your service in His vineyard. Galatians 5:13 says: “…through love serve one another.” Let values of reception and generosity be built in each of us!
Prayer: LORD! Give me the ears to hear Your voice, and the heart to respond to others’ needs for the glory of your name. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!